Islam Redux / S D Rodrian
(trop ancien pour répondre)
2010-08-24 17:55:53 UTC
Muslims Demand Islamic School Holidays
in New York City...

I say give Muslims the holidays they want;
and honor their faith by letting them chop
off the heads of a few non-Muslims as
commanded in the Koran. Maybe lop off
a few infidel hands as well. Encourage
Muslim children to rape their victims'
women (and boys), and to steal all the
non-Muslims they slaughtered once owned
--again, as explicitly commanded in the
Koran by Allah Himself. Otherwise, let's
not insult Muslims by pretending that
their "religion" is anything bearing any
resemblance to any of the genuine religions
of the civilized modern world:

I don't believe there's any religion today
except Islam in which killing someone is
the one thing which can guarantee the
killer goes directly to the bosom of God
no questions asked, although I could be
wrong--The ancient Aztecs also butchered
those not of their religion (cutting the
hearts out of their living victims) as part
of their faith. Although the Aztecs didn't
rape their victims' women (or boys) or
steal their properties as an act of religious
faith like Muslims. In fact, if I remember
correctly, the corpses of the victims of
the Aztecs were then used to feed the
less fortunate in Aztec society--certainly
a lot less wasteful a practice than the
Muslims' (who merely leave their victims'
corpses to be eaten by wild animals).
But Aztec butchery is not a modern
religious practice anywhere in the world,
of course, while Islamic butchery, on
the other hand, still is... everywhere not
protected by Western cops & armies.


In any case, Islamic suicide bombers and
other Muslim mass murderers all commit
their butchery as a religious duty--unlike,
say, an American soldier who may jump
on a grenade to save his buddies (he is not
expecting any religious reward whatever
for his ultimate sacrifice): Before going out
to commit mass murder, Muslim suicide
bombers have been known to wrap their
penes in satin so these may be protected
in the explosions they cause and can thus
"arrive in Paradise" ready to be used on
their allotment of 72 virgins undamaged.

Part of this planet earth lives under the real
"God of Light" (of "enlightenment," of wisdom,
of Moses, Jesus, of Isaac, & Israel)... and part
lives under the god of Perdition (of Hell, of
the infernal regions of the Dark). And it's all
too often too easy for Lucifer (who, as you
can see, cynically styles himself "The God of
Light") to confuse people. But let's understand
this: One god drags you to Perdition against
your will, and one God would like to see you
choose the Right Path of your own free will:
This is why the Muslims' cult is called "Submit"
(the English translation of the word "Islam").

Do you still doubt who Allah is? Then take
this question into consideration: "Can one
sin in Heaven?" Say you manage to reach
Heaven, God is walking by, and you spit on
Him. What do you think would happen? If
you believe you would have sinned and
must be sent to Hell then you are evidently
NOT a Muslim, because Muslims believe
one cannot sin in Paradise (Heaven). And
now you understand how Muslims may
rape 72 virgins in "Paradise" with complete
impunity. Coincidentally, Christians, on
the other hand, believe that one cannot sin
in Hell (in fact, Christians believe that the
more evil one does in Hell the more one is
rewarded by "the god of hell")... and that
the most sinful of all the inhabitants of Hell,
in fact, those who go the extra mile and
like to torture their fellow captives: become
Satan's little helpers (otherwise known as
his demons). And now you too understand
who Allah is, no matter what he may be
called up here on earth by his Muslims.

Ya know, a lot of people (under-educated
Americans mostly) are under the mistaken
impression that Islamic terrorism and mass
butchery is a post-World War II phenomenon
invented by Osama bin Laden or somebody
(whom they all also believe is the ONLY bad
Muslim who ever lived). But, actually, even
including the Armenian and Kashmiri and
African Islamic genocides (and so many,
many others)... today's Islamic genocides
can't even begin to compare with the truly
spectacular ones which history has been
recording since the time of Mohammed:


In spite of what you might imagine, we are
actually living in a time in history when there
is rather a nice absence of Islamic genocide
and mass murder (there was one particularly
infamous Muslim ruler in India hundreds of
years ago who used to "celebrate" his birthday
every year by slaughtering ONE HUNDRED
THOUSAND Hindus. Yes... every single year
--I mean, if such a thing were to happen
even once today it'd probably make all the
papers (although Islam itself would probably
not be condemned for it by President Obama
and others like him... even though that
infamous Islamic ruler I mentioned before
performed his "little" celebratory genocides
strictly as an Islamic duty fully sanctioned
and encouraged by his Islamic imams and
religious scholars). This was also the case
with the Armenian Genocide, of course,
where peasant Turks (some of whom can
be seen testifying to this fact on filmed
documentaries) were encouraged to kill
fleeing Armenian refugees, to rape their
women, and sons, and to steal all their
properties/possessions by Turkish imams
quite correctly interpreting the Koran. Of
course, not all Nazis were evil (millions
of Germans voted FOR Hitler... there must
have been very nice people among them
just like so many people today say there
are very nice Muslims here & there); and
yet for some unexplainable reason which
forever eludes me, unlike Islam (where
the evil Muslims do in the name of Islam
is NEVER blamed on Islam itself, despite
the everywhere-available & unequivocally
evil Koran), Nazism IS blamed for the evil
that Nazis did...!! A most puzzling thing!

I certainly can't explain it. Can you?

Yep: Throw in a bit of comparative religion
studies too--It could all be very instructive
indeed. [Why don't we see Muslims chopping
non-Muslims' heads all over Manhattan? (For
instance.) That is a very good question, which
could also be addressed in class during show-
and-tell: Does anybody know the answer?
Could I see some raised hands?... Mister
Bloomberg in front? The cops in the back?]

We could also explain to pupils why it is
that the one group which consistently seems
to need no coercion or compulsion to become
Muslims today seems to be, yep: incarcerated
criminals, of all people... Gee, I wonder why.

And do please let me know if any of the core
beliefs of Islam I am stipulating here are...
misrepresented in any way, and are NOT what
Muslims believe (as I have taken them directly
from the Koran itself and from the practice of
Muslims in general): Therefore, if you know
for a fact that most Muslims believe that their
Koran is full of shit, I would certainly want to
know that. Otherwise you are stipulating that
I have indeed stated the core beliefs of Islam
truthfully and without any inaccuracy here.

Now... many Christians (including myself)
acknowledge that the Bible is quite pixilated
and seriously full of silly bunk--Although I'll
grant you there ARE a number of Christians,
mainly here in the United States, who take
the Bible literally--but, of course, everybody
knows that these poor souls are mostly incest-
polluted baboons, home-schooled maybe
[albeit, this reminds me reading that there is
an unusually high rate of genetic diseases
caused by inbreeding among far too many
Arabs due to a tendency in them to marry
1st cousins.] Oh, well... This really isn't the
venue for that biology lesson. Class dismissed.


S D Rodrian

All religions are local.
Only science is universal.

bv <***@gmail.com> wrote:

You do not know about Islam !.....
If you want to know about Islam,
please visit the following websites:

Yes, nice sites. However, I see that you
could not refute anything I said; and for
your brave acknowledgement that I
spoke the truth about Islam: I thank you.

I do know about Islam. Too much, in fact.
And I certainly don't have to visit Islamic
propaganda sites to pick up lies. (I listen
to enough speeches by politicians as it is.)

One can start ferreting out a little of THE
TRUTH about the horrors of Islam here:


And that's just a little bit of the truth.

The whole horrific and gory truth about
Islam can be found in the careful reading
of history and/or the world's present-day

I advice you to do it, to save yourself
and your family: Please do study Islam
(just not from Islamist propagandists).
The Koran orders Muslims to lie, lie, lie.
In fact, it advises Muslims to hide the
Koran from non-Muslims because they
(non-Muslims) might eventually come to
grasp that it's really a master plan for
their conquest or obliteration... in spite
of all the tonnes & tonnes of propaganda
telling them it's some sort of "religion."

I guess the Koran never foresaw the net.

Let the sad tragic true story of all the once
glittering civilizations of the ancient world
which have been swallowed up by Islam and
spat up into the present-day devastation
that is the Muslim World today serve as a
terrible warning to you & your children...


S D Rodrian

All religions are local.
Only science is universal.

... Mosques and Islam 'not going away'


That's quite true: They had to be stopped
once by all the military might that Europe
could muster. What I see happening in
Europe now, I'm sorry to say, is what must
have happened in the once Christian 'fertile
crescent' civilizations of the Middle East:
Places that were perhaps too powerful for
Islam to confront head-on were gradually
strangled by Muslim immigration until one
day the peoples of the Middle East woke up
to discovered that they had been taken
over by Islam... body & soul.


I don't see the will in Europe (or America)
today for standing up against this gradual
strangulation by Islam. Therefore I must
regretfully conclude that it's only a matter
of time before all of Western Civilization
is consumed by sharia and goes the way of
the ancient Christian civilizations that once
thrived in what is now the unending Islamic
slum of the Middle East.

The only good thing in all this is that
I am an old man, and I will not have to
watch the incalculable treasures of my
Western Civilization [of art, philosophy,
poetry, music, science, of democracy...
and that free exercise of will that has
produced such unparalleled human
achievements] all, all being burned to
oblivion for their imagined affront to
some stupid desert god (by the frenzied
shamans of a sadistic cult) in bonfires
of their incomprehensible superstition.

S D Rodrian

All religions are local.
Only science is universal.

'Will Muslims impose Shariah?'

You don't have to wonder like a dope about
this: Muslims have imposed Sharia everywhere
they are the majority population (except
where there are violent conflicts trying to
prevent it, as in the Southern Sudan).
[Exceptions like Egypt and Turkey are/were
military dictatorships which are under great
pressure from Islamist to impose Sharia.]

Just take the time to look at what's happening
in Thailand and Indonesia, where Islam is
a recent import: Read of the injustices, crimes,
and wrongs which Muslims are imposing on
non-Muslims as their numbers have taken
over the population. Soon those two countries
will look like Syria and Iraq. And that is the
way it has always been everywhere Islam
has become the majority religion, and that
is the way Islam will be everywhere it
becomes the majority religion. If that
happens here it will either be Sharia or
the Constitution, because the civil rights
which are such a second nature to us
that they seem to be as much ours as
the right to breathe... and all the other
"constitutional guarantees" we have come
to enjoy in this country are absolutely
incompatible with Sharia and and unheard
of anywhere where Sharia is the law of the
land. Look it up: The answer is obvious.

S D Rodrian

You've apparently never read the Bible,
have you?
Where do you want me to start? Killing?
Rape? Murder of infidels?
I'm afraid it is you who has self-evidently
never read the Bible: In the Bible God
commands the Hebrews to perform some
heinous actions indeed; but God never
commands them to be heinous forever.
The Koran, on the other hand, commands
Muslims to be butchers, murderers, rapists,
and thieves then, now, and forever. That's
the whole problem right there, you see.
[Or probably not.] But... that's why the
peoples of the Bible have "gotten over it"
and why the Muslims have been heinous
ever since Mohammed taught them to be
as heinous as himself, with no end in sight.

S D Rodrian

All religions are local.
Only science is universal.

These WebTV people are a good example
of the thieving, exhausting, evil Catholicism.
Don't believe anything they say, they are evil
and sow terror and hate.
They must be Zionists. --T.Schmidt
In fact: Don't believe anything people say:
Not a one! Believe only what you see: You
see Catholic terrorism? You see the murders
caused by Baptist suicide bombers? You see
the butchery of the Buddhist assassins...?
Ah! Then you see everything.

The thieving, evil, & exhausting,

S D Rodrian

All religions are local.
Only science is universal.

I am not all that sure that to the apologists
for Islam it would much matter if Feisal Abdul
Rauf [the really creepy Muslim imam behind
the New York mosque] had funded the 9/11
attacks. Just as it doesn't much matter to
them now that Islam is CLEARLY the ONLY
justification for them.


Why they appear to be so convinced that
"Islam means Peace," or that Islam is as
innocuous a "religion" as Buddhism, when
the truth against this is so impossible to
avoid ... cries out for some psychological
explanation (since there doesn't seem to
be any evidence that Saudi Arabia or some
other such nefarious entity is suborning
most of them).

What is unclear to me is how then Nazism
is indicted as the cause of what a handful
of Nazi extremists did back in the 30s & 40s.
After all, read the Koran and it as clearly
advocates the murder of non-Muslims as
Mein Kampf advocates the murder of Jews
(and perhaps even more explicitly). What
would people think if they had to listen to
a continuous litany about how "only 18 or
28 (tops)" Nazis were really responsible
for the Holocaust, and that "most Nazis"
were really decent, honorable citizens of
the world? Have they not the Constitutional
right to build their beerhalls where they

Certainly history provides us with many
more incidents of much greater Islamic
genocides than it ever does of the infamous
Nazi one (there's one region in India alone
where Muslims butchered as many as, yes:
60,000,000 Hindus. And it's not as if Muslims
themselves are trying to hide all this horror,
either (except for the Turks trying to deny
the Armenian Genocide): There are many
places in Afghanistan and Pakistan named
Hindu-kush-something to this day... or, the
place where the Hindus were slaughtered).
Entire cities of many millions of souls in
the Indian subcontinent were butchered
without mercy down to the last man, woman,
and child by the Muslims in their heyday of
Islamic conquest. But I imagine that's far
too distant in the past for all those victims
of Islamic genocide to be of much relevance
to the present day liberals & defenders of
religious freedom hollering: Long live the
freedom of Muslims to continue to practice
their "religion!" forever as ever they've done!

I'll just go hide under my bed now.

S D Rodrian

All religions are local.
Only science is universal.

2010-09-06 21:44:23 UTC
On Aug 27, 2:39 pm, "Sanders Kaufman"
You're going to have to explain how
No, he will not.
Noone has to explain your bigotry to you.
Furthermore, since bigotry is based in
extreme ignorance, it's pointless to try.
Well, you're still going to have to explain
(even if only to yourself) how simply stating
the indisputable facts is bigotry. If a man
states that 2 plus 2 equals 4 you will ALWAYS
and forever be required to explain how that
makes him a bigot, were you to call him a
bigot for merely stating an indisputable fact
as you have done to me here.

And, you will also have to explain the ignorance
of a chap like Sir Winston Churchill for writing:

How dreadful are the curses which
Mohammedanism lays on its votaries!
Besides the fanatical frenzy, which is
as dangerous in a man as hydrophobia
in a dog, there is this fearful fatalistic

The effects are apparent in many countries.
Improvident habits, slovenly systems of
agriculture, sluggish methods of commerce,
and insecurity of property exist wherever
the followers of the Prophet rule or live.

A degraded sensualism deprives this life of its
grace and refinement; the next of its dignity
and sanctity. The fact that in Mohammedan
law every woman must belong to some man
as his absolute property, either as a child, a
wife, or a concubine, must delay the final
extinction of slavery until the faith of Islam
has ceased to be a great power among men.

Individual Moslems may show splendid qualities,
but the influence of the religion paralyses the
social development of those who follow it.

No stronger retrograde force exists in the world.
Far from being moribund, Mohammedanism is
a militant and proselytizing faith. It has already
spread throughout Central Africa, raising fearless
warriors at every step; and were it not that
Christianity is sheltered in the strong arms of
science, the science against which it had vainly
struggled, the civilization of modern Europe might
fall, as fell the civilization of ancient Rome.

-- Sir Winston Churchill (The River War, first
edition, Vol. II, pages 248-50 [London:
Longmans, Green & Co., 1899]).

Or perhaps you might but look with your own eyes
upon the catastrophe (world wide) that Islam has
brought down upon the lives of the Muslims and
all their neighbors. And then you might come to
understand that Churchill, as both politician and
historian, was obviously trying to be civil/diplomatic
in his studied assessment of the dreadful cult of
death, conquest, and destruction that is Islam.

You have to understand that one of the principal
reasons Islam is not wracked by internal revolts
against its disastrous brutality, cruelty, and
homicidal destructiveness is because most Muslims
worldwide are kept from considering how bad they
have it by the most sinister mind-control system
ever devised to keep people from thinking for
themselves: Most Muslims really believe that their
atrociously horrendous existence is ordained by
God from above and is the direct fault of their
neighboring non-Muslims here below!

S D Rodrian


On Aug 18, 11:07 am, zookumar yelubandi
This propagandameister ... well,
meister implies mastery...
let's say peddler ... rails against the
chosen religion of 25% of the
world's population.
Well, history records that Islam is not now
nor has it ever been a "religion" strictly
spread on its merits, but has always been
spread by the sword, fear, and intimidation.
And, in fact, Muslims are rather proud of this
gruesome fact. There's no controversy there.

Christians, on the other hand, call their bible
the Gospels ("the good word") and are more
than glad to have everyone read it. Muslims
call their cult Islam ("Submit!" as in "or else!").
And now you know why the Koran itself advises
Muslims to hide the Koran from non-Muslims.
Either he is mentally-challenged
I am often made crazy by insane things
(like Islam). I'll give you that one.
or a yokel who
stares the mathematics confronting his
position with a fool's disdain.
I stole that disdain from him, basically,
because... he was obviously a fool (it would
have been very difficult to steal it from a
wiseguy). Don't you agree?
Even if *all* his accusations had some
basis in reality (which
is not the case,
Your case might have been stronger had,
instead of merely insulting me, you would
have countered the facts I stated in my
post with some substantial lies or other
(preferably funny lies, as I like to laugh).
indeed, all are gross caricatures
of Moslems and
Muslims are caricatures of human beings:
I'm glad your subconscious acknowledges
that indisputable fact.
Islam); they pale in comparison to the
warring, the murdering, the
raping, the pillaging, the crimes of
Ah! Your defense of Islam is "since every-
body else does it, why call Islam on it!"
Thank you for subconscious/unconsciously
acknowledging Islam is as rotten/scummy
as I pointed out it is. Your cooperation is
greatly appreciated (probably not by Muslims).
the crimes of usury,
and general-all-around mendacity
exhibited by a subgroup from within his
*own* ethnicity, the Ashkenazis. The
Jewish ethnicity of the Ashkenazis
is contentious, to say the least; with
many *nonmainstream* sources
claiming predominant East and Central
European origins (the warring,
barbaric Khazars) and many *mainstream*
sources claiming South European
and North African origins. With their
track record of mainstream
history revisionism and ongoing
journalistic mendacity, I find
mainstream sources less compelling.
In any event, whether predominantly
Khazarian, or predominantly South
European, the Ashkenazi ethnicity is
best understood as that ethnicity that
has given us the bankster class,
or at least, a significant portion of it.
This bankster class, of
course, has funded and directed the
great wars of modern history; the
great tyrants; the great ethnic
cleansings; the great lootings of the
treasury; the great scams and Ponzi
schemes; the great false flag
events; etc. Makes the argument for
barbarian origins a virtual slam
dunk, IMO.
And here I thought for sure you were going
to say something mildly anti-Semitic! Well,
you certainly had me fooled. [sarcasm]
Getting back to this SD Rodrian
Could there possibly be another one?!?!
... ask him about his origins.
I don't boast about my origins but as long as
you'd like to examine them you're in luck, I
recently had my DNA tested and here are the
results (you can now call me on them):

Algeria 1 - 1 62 N/A
Australia 5 - 5 132 3.8%
Austria 5 - 6 542 1.1%
1 Styria
Bahamas 1 - 1 85 N/A
Belarus 2 - 2 593 0.3%
Belgium 17 - 17 458 3.7%
Bermuda 1 - 1 4 N/A
Bolivia 1 - 1 10 N/A
Brazil 3 - 3 43 N/A
Bulgaria 1 - 1 132 0.8%
Canada 4 - 6 224 2.7%
1 French
1 MDKO: Canada
Croatia 1 - 1 195 0.5%
Cuba 2 - 3 74 N/A
1 MDKO: Cuba
Czech 9 - 10 610 1.6%
1 Czechoslovakia
Denmark 18 - 18 746 2.4%
Ecuador 1 - 1 17 N/A
England 859 - 861 21,321 4.0%
1 MDKO: Canada
1 Saxony
Ethiopia 1 - 1 28 N/A
Finland 3 - 3 1,525 0.2%
France 135 - 136 2,976 4.6%
1 Alsace
Germany 292 - 301 10,826 2.8%
1 Ashkenazi
1 Bavaria
1 Beindersheim, Pfaltz
1 Hesse
1 Lower Saxony
1 Prussia
1 Rhineland-Palatinate
1 Saarland
1 Wurttenburg
Greece 2 - 2 637 0.3%
Guyana 1 - 1 11 N/A
Hungary 6 - 6 1,023 0.6%
Iceland 4 - 4 144 2.8%
India 1 - 1 1,236 0.1%
Iran 1 - 1 231 0.4%
Iraq 1 - 1 79 N/A
Ireland 798 - 800 12,433 6.4%
1 Galway
1 Great Britain
Italy 40 - 49 3,078 1.6%
2 Lombardy
1 Marche
1 Northern
1 Piemonte
4 Sicily
Jamaica 1 - 1 43 N/A
Lithuania 1 - 3 888 0.3%
2 Ashkenazi
Luxembrg 1 - 1 49 N/A
Mexico 10 - 12 666 1.8%
2 MDKO: Mexico
Nethrlnds 43 - 44 1,502 2.9%
1 Holland
N Zealnd 2 - 2 45 N/A
No Irelnd 28 - 28 648 4.3%
Norway 33 - 33 1,195 2.8%
Poland 13 - 17 3,233 0.5%
1 Ashkenazi
1 Pomeranian Voivodeship
2 Prussia
Portugal 13 - 15 700 2.1%
1 Azores
1 Sephardic
Puert Rico 3 - 3 181 1.7%
Russ Fed 8 - 13 2,724 0.5%
3 Ashkenazi
2 Native Siberian
Scotland 535 - 537 9,981 5.4%
1 Orkney Islands
1 Shetland
Slovakia 2 - 2 460 0.4%
Slovenia 1 - 1 131 0.8%
Spain 119 - 128 3,047 4.2%
1 Basque
4 Canary Islands
3 MDKO: Mexico
1 MDKO: Puerto Rico
Sweden 42 - 43 1,468 2.9%
1 Scandinavia
Switzrlnd 61 - 66 1,587 4.2%
1 Aargau
1 Bern
1 Möhlin
1 St. Gallen
1 Zurich
Ukraine 3 - 8 1,366 0.6%
5 Ashkenazi
UnKngdm360 - 409 9,471 4.3%
42 Great Britain
7 Shetland Islands
US 6 - 6 898 0.7%
Wales 80 - 80 1,799 4.4%
Yemen 1 - 1 86 N/A

Except for one German great-grandfather
(who, as you can see wasn't much Ashkenazi)
I'm pretty much a Western European mongrel.
Being the shameless propagandist that
he is, my best intuition tells me
that he is a myrmidon of the bankster
class. To be sure, righteous Jews
and righteous Ashkenazis form the vast
majority of their respective
groupings; and many Ashkenazis are,
indeed, righteous practicing Jews.
I do have some Ashkenazi matches, but this
might be that the Ashkenazis in the sampling
match me (as there are so few of them): A
couple of Ashkenazis here & there merely
mean "they" probably had a lot of European
DNA and not that the Europeans had lots of
Ashkenazi DNA.] Your racial theory doesn't
hold. Sorry! Also: No Chinese, Japanese, or
Martians, for some reason... I enjoy your
anti-Semitism almost as much as you do,
just for different reasons.
Having said that, the bankster class is thick
with mendacious Ashkenazis
and phony Jews (e.g. the Zionists aka
False Flag Jews). SD Rodrian is a Zionist.
He is no righteous Jew. And he is no
righteous Ashkenazi. He is what he is
... a propaganda peddler. Uncle Zook
Well, I know what I am (see DNA sampling
above). And you know what you are (as we
now all know)... And you didn't even have to
have your DNA sampled!

S D Rodrian

All religions are local.
Only science is universal.


GO TO http://islamisbad.com before it's too late.

There you will find all you need to know about
the Evil that is Islam, both historically and in
the modern world. And you won't have to wrack
your brain over why GOD should command war,
death, torture, and rape, genocide, and terror
against human beings (as Mohammed said He did).

Muslims are today engaged in a great battle
throughout the West (to try to extinguish
freedom of expression/freedom of the press)
specifically designed to keep YOU from having
access to the relevant deadly facts about Islam.
Some skirmishes they have lost, but some other
skirmishes they have definitely won (as shown in
the --March 30, 2007-- Reuters report above).

But make no mistake about this: their aim is above
all to stifle YOUR right to hold an open debate on
the merits/demerits of Islam because they KNOW
they can not win such a debate. The bastards will
claim an article like this one as "an example of the
defamation of Islam" TO WESTERNERS ... but they
will NEVER print this article in any Muslim country's
newspaper to show their own peoples an example of
such a "defamation" because an article like this one
would inform ordinary Muslims on the true nature
of Islam (if it were lies they would be only too eager
to print it everywhere). And Muslim populations are
all kept horrifically ill informed on the true
historical and moral vileness that is Islam: Evil
depends on lies. And they all know that Islam can
not survive the light of TRUTH being turned on it
--from ANY direction.

It shall be most interesting to see whether human
civilization survives or is eventually subsumed and
destroyed as thoroughly as all those once great
and mighty civilizations which once thrived (where
now only the devastation in which most Muslims
live exists). Compare the wealthy Taiwanese with
the many & many beggar peoples of Islamic countries.

I suspect it shall come down to whether we insist
that the truth is infinitely more important than any
hurt feelings, or we permit lies to go unchallenged
just to spare the liars.

S D Rodrian

Muslims Demand Islamic School Holidays
in New York City...

I say give Muslims the holidays they want;
and honor their faith by letting them chop
off the heads of a few non-Muslims as
commanded in the Koran. Maybe lop off
a few infidel hands as well. Encourage
Muslim children to rape their victims'
women (and boys), and to steal all the
non-Muslims they slaughtered once owned
--again, as explicitly commanded in the
Koran by Allah Himself. Otherwise, let's
not insult Muslims by pretending that
their "religion" is anything bearing any
resemblance to any of the genuine religions
of the civilized modern world:

I don't believe there's any religion today
except Islam in which killing someone is
the one thing which can guarantee the
killer goes directly to the bosom of God
no questions asked, although I could be
wrong--The ancient Aztecs also butchered
those not of their religion (cutting the
hearts out of their living victims) as part
of their faith. Although the Aztecs didn't
rape their victims' women (or boys) or
steal their properties as an act of religious
faith like Muslims. In fact, if I remember
correctly, the corpses of the victims of
the Aztecs were then used to feed the
less fortunate in Aztec society--certainly
a lot less wasteful a practice than the
Muslims' (who merely leave their victims'
corpses to be eaten by wild animals).
But Aztec butchery is not a modern
religious practice anywhere in the world,
of course, while Islamic butchery, on
the other hand, still is... everywhere not
protected by Western cops & armies.


In any case, Islamic suicide bombers and
other Muslim mass murderers all commit
their butchery as a religious duty--unlike,
say, an American soldier who may jump
on a grenade to save his buddies (he is not
expecting any religious reward whatever
for his ultimate sacrifice): Before going out
to commit mass murder, Muslim suicide
bombers have been known to wrap their
penes in satin so these may be protected
in the explosions they cause and can thus
"arrive in Paradise" ready to be used on
their allotment of 72 virgins undamaged.

Part of this planet earth lives under the real
"God of Light" (of "enlightenment," of wisdom,
of Moses, Jesus, of Isaac, & Israel)... and part
lives under the god of Perdition (of Hell, of
the infernal regions of the Dark). And it's all
too often too easy for Lucifer (who, as you
can see, cynically styles himself "The God of
Light") to confuse people. But let's understand
this: One god drags you to Perdition against
your will, and one God would like to see you
choose the Right Path of your own free will:
This is why the Muslims' cult is called "Submit"
(the English translation of the word "Islam").

Do you still doubt who Allah is? Then take
this question into consideration: "Can one
sin in Heaven?" Say you manage to reach
Heaven, God is walking by, and you spit on
Him. What do you think would happen? If
you believe you would have sinned and
must be sent to Hell then you are evidently
NOT a Muslim, because Muslims believe
one cannot sin in Paradise (Heaven). And
now you understand how Muslims may
rape 72 virgins in "Paradise" with complete
impunity. Coincidentally, Christians, on
the other hand, believe that one cannot sin
in Hell (in fact, Christians believe that the
more evil one does in Hell the more one is
rewarded by "the god of hell")... and that
the most sinful of all the inhabitants of Hell,
in fact, those who go the extra mile and
like to torture their fellow captives: become
Satan's little helpers (otherwise known as
his demons). And now you too understand
who Allah is, no matter what he may be
called up here on earth by his Muslims.

Ya know, a lot of people (under-educated
Americans mostly) are under the mistaken
impression that Islamic terrorism and mass
butchery is a post-World War II phenomenon
invented by Osama bin Laden or somebody
(whom they all also believe is the ONLY bad
Muslim who ever lived). But, actually, even
including the Armenian and Kashmiri and
African Islamic genocides (and so many,
many others)... today's Islamic genocides
can't even begin to compare with the truly
spectacular ones which history has been
recording since the time of Mohammed:


In spite of what you might imagine, we are
actually living in a time in history when there
is rather a nice absence of Islamic genocide
and mass murder (there was one particularly
infamous Muslim ruler in India hundreds of
years ago who used to "celebrate" his birthday
every year by slaughtering ONE HUNDRED
THOUSAND Hindus. Yes... every single year
--I mean, if such a thing were to happen
even once today it'd probably make all the
papers (although Islam itself would probably
not be condemned for it by President Obama
and others like him... even though that
infamous Islamic ruler I mentioned before
performed his "little" celebratory genocides
strictly as an Islamic duty fully sanctioned
and encouraged by his Islamic imams and
religious scholars). This was also the case
with the Armenian Genocide, of course,
where peasant Turks (some of whom can
be seen testifying to this fact on filmed
documentaries) were encouraged to kill
fleeing Armenian refugees, to rape their
women, and sons, and to steal all their
properties/possessions by Turkish imams
quite correctly interpreting the Koran. Of
course, not all Nazis were evil (millions
of Germans voted FOR Hitler... there must
have been very nice people among them
just like so many people today say there
are very nice Muslims here & there); and
yet for some unexplainable reason which
forever eludes me, unlike Islam (where
the evil Muslims do in the name of Islam
is NEVER blamed on Islam itself, despite
the everywhere-available & unequivocally
evil Koran), Nazism IS blamed for the evil
that Nazis did...!! A most puzzling thing!

I certainly can't explain it. Can you?

Yep: Throw in a bit of comparative religion
studies too--It could all be very instructive
indeed. [Why don't we see Muslims chopping
non-Muslims' heads all over Manhattan? (For
instance.) That is a very good question, which
could also be addressed in class during show-
and-tell: Does anybody know the answer?
Could I see some raised hands?... Mister
Bloomberg in front? The cops in the back?]

We could also explain to pupils why it is
that the one group which consistently seems
to need no coercion or compulsion to become
Muslims today seems to be, yep: incarcerated
criminals, of all people... Gee, I wonder why.

And do please let me know if any of the core
beliefs of Islam I am stipulating here are...
misrepresented in any way, and are NOT what
Muslims believe (as I have taken them directly
from the Koran itself and from the practice of
Muslims in general): Therefore, if you know
for a fact that most Muslims believe that their
Koran is full of shit, I would certainly want to
know that. Otherwise you are stipulating that
I have indeed stated the core beliefs of Islam
truthfully and without any inaccuracy here.

Now... many Christians (including myself)
acknowledge that the Bible is quite pixilated
and seriously full of silly bunk--Although I'll
grant you there ARE a number of Christians,
mainly here in the United States, who take
the Bible literally--but, of course, everybody
knows that these poor souls are mostly incest-
polluted baboons, home-schooled maybe
[albeit, this reminds me reading that there is
an unusually high rate of genetic diseases
caused by inbreeding among far too many
Arabs due to a tendency in them to marry
1st cousins.] Oh, well... This really isn't the
venue for that biology lesson. Class dismissed.


S D Rodrian

bv wrote:

You do not know about Islam !.....
If you want to know about Islam,
please visit the following websites:

Yes, nice sites. However, I see that you
could not refute anything I said; and for
your brave acknowledgement that I
spoke the truth about Islam: I thank you.

I do know about Islam. Too much, in fact.
And I certainly don't have to visit Islamic
propaganda sites to pick up lies. (I listen
to enough speeches by politicians as it is.)

One can start ferreting out a little of THE
TRUTH about the horrors of Islam here:


And that's just a little bit of the truth.

The whole horrific and gory truth about
Islam can be found in the careful reading
of history and/or the world's present-day

I advice you to do it, to save yourself
and your family: Please do study Islam
(just not from Islamist propagandists).
The Koran orders Muslims to lie, lie, lie.
In fact, it advises Muslims to hide the
Koran from non-Muslims because they
(non-Muslims) might eventually come to
grasp that it's really a master plan for
their conquest or obliteration... in spite
of all the tonnes & tonnes of propaganda
telling them it's some sort of "religion."

I guess the Koran never foresaw the net.

Let the sad tragic true story of all the once
glittering civilizations of the ancient world
which have been swallowed up by Islam and
spat up into the present-day devastation
that is the Muslim World today serve as a
terrible warning to you & your children...


S D Rodrian

wrote: Mosques and Islam 'not going away'

That's quite true: They had to be stopped
once by all the military might that Europe
could muster. What I see happening in
Europe now, I'm sorry to say, is what must
have happened in the once Christian 'fertile
crescent' civilizations of the Middle East:
Places that were perhaps too powerful for
Islam to confront head-on were gradually
strangled by Muslim immigration until one
day the peoples of the Middle East woke up
to discovered that they had been taken
over by Islam... body & soul.

I don't see the will in Europe (or America)
today for standing up against this gradual
strangulation by Islam. Therefore I must
regretfully conclude that it's only a matter
of time before all of Western Civilization
is consumed by sharia and goes the way of
the ancient Christian civilizations that once
thrived in what is now the unending Islamic
slum of the Middle East.

The only good thing in all this is that
I am an old man, and I will not have to
watch the incalculable treasures of my
Western Civilization [of art, philosophy,
poetry, music, science, of democracy...
and that free exercise of will that has
produced such unparalleled human
achievements] all, all being burned to
oblivion for their imagined affront to
some stupid desert god (by the frenzied
shamans of a sadistic cult) in bonfires
of their incomprehensible superstition.

S D Rodrian

'Will Muslims impose Shariah?'

You don't have to wonder like a dope about
this: Muslims have imposed Sharia everywhere
they are the majority population (except
where there are violent conflicts trying to
prevent it, as in the Southern Sudan).
[Exceptions like Egypt and Turkey are/were
military dictatorships which are under great
pressure from Islamist to impose Sharia.]

Just take the time to look at what's happening
in Thailand and Indonesia, where Islam is
a recent import: Read of the injustices, crimes,
and wrongs which Muslims are imposing on
non-Muslims as their numbers have taken
over the population. Soon those two countries
will look like Syria and Iraq. And that is the
way it has always been everywhere Islam
has become the majority religion, and that
is the way Islam will be everywhere it
becomes the majority religion. If that
happens here it will either be Sharia or
the Constitution, because the civil rights
which are such a second nature to us
that they seem to be as much ours as
the right to breathe... and all the other
"constitutional guarantees" we have come
to enjoy in this country are absolutely
incompatible with Sharia and and unheard
of anywhere where Sharia is the law of the
land. Look it up: The answer is obvious.

S D Rodrian

You've apparently never read the Bible,
have you?
Where do you want me to start? Killing?
Rape? Murder of infidels?
I'm afraid it is you who has self-evidently
never read the Bible: In the Bible God
commands the Hebrews to perform some
heinous actions indeed; but God never
commands them to be heinous forever.
The Koran, on the other hand, commands
Muslims to be butchers, murderers, rapists,
and thieves then, now, and forever. That's
the whole problem right there, you see.
[Or probably not.] But... that's why the
peoples of the Bible have "gotten over it"
and why the Muslims have been heinous
ever since Mohammed taught them to be
as heinous as himself, with no end in sight.

S D Rodrian

These WebTV people are a good example
of the thieving, exhausting, evil Catholicism.
Don't believe anything they say, they are evil
and sow terror and hate.
They must be Zionists. --T.Schmidt
In fact: Don't believe anything people say:
Not a one! Believe only what you see: You
see Catholic terrorism? You see the murders
caused by Baptist suicide bombers? You see
the butchery of the Buddhist assassins...?
Ah! Then you see everything.

The thieving, evil, & exhausting,

S D Rodrian


The Christians and The Jews...

One of the old predictions concerning the Messiah
is that he would raise a mighty power among the
gentiles and that this mighty power would found
Israel and make her invulnerable to her enemies.
Well, it was not so much ben-Gurion and a handful
of dusty Jewish irregulars who founded Israel but
Harry Truman, who in spite of the anti-Semitism of
his own cabinet, Pentagon, and State Department
(the American Ambassador to the U.N. made a
speech there against recognizing Israel just before
Truman cast America's vote to recognize the state
of Israel!), and the impressive opposition in the
U.N. by the petro-Arabs and their allies... Harry
Truman decided, almost exclusively due to his own
Christian beliefs, that God wanted him to push the
creation of the state of Israel: Which he proceeded
to do, and then made the U.S. the first country to
officially recognize the new state of Israel. Can't
imagine the anti-Semitic Nixon doing that (and yet
it was this same Nixon who proceeded to "save"
Israel during the six-day war!). Are there not
miracles in the world for those with eyes to see
them? Christians or Jews...

The relation between the Christians and the Jews
is a two-way historical inevitability: There can be
no Christians without there first having been Jews,
and there might not be (rabbinical) Jews today
without Christian intervention. [The notion that the
Nazis were "Christians" is as obnoxiously idiotic
as the idea of Hitler pondering the invasion of
Poland with... "Ja, now, what would Jesus do...?"]

S D Rodrian


Religious liberty should prevail
near Ground Zero? Try:

That's not where any question has
to be asked about religious liberty
needing to prevail: Where religious
liberty REALLY needs to prevail is
in Saudi Arabia and all the other
Islamic nations in which it is ILLEGAL
to practice Christianity or where
Christians are murdered in the street
every day with complete impunity
day after day after day.

Qatari Ghanim al-Naimi said the right
to build mosques anywhere in the world
should be guaranteed.

How about the right to build churches
anywhere om the world--should that also
be guaranteed? Then how about talking
to the Saudis and others who have made
it illegal to build a church ANYWHERE
in their countries...


Try, just try to bring your Bible into
Saudi Arabia, a country for which
Americans shed their blood: You'll be
lucky if you get out of it without
some serious prison time (unless
you're Jimmy Carter or some other
such really fat ass and don't mind
that only fat asses like yourself are
the sole Christians able to escape
the Sharia law brutalizing all human
rights there).

Trust me on this: There's no need to
debate whether anyone needs religious
liberty ANYWHERE in New York City.

Just don't build a monument to Islam
on the graves of Islam's victims: Is
that too much to ask for the murdered
of 9/11? Do you also have to insult
the memory of the murdered by having
an objection to their graves being
desecrated declared religious bigotry?

S D Rodrian

NY cab driver SEZ he was stabbed by a guy
after he told him he was Muslim...

Wow! One mentally unbalanced guy stabs
a Muslim because of Islam and it's PAGE
ONE: But, seriously,

When's the last time anyone read on ANY
page hereabouts anything concerning the
ongoing Muslim genocides? Because, baby,
everywhere there are Muslims on this earth
they are engaged in butchering scores of
non-Muslims, or murdering other Muslims
not members of their own sect. So, where
is the ongoing PAGE ONE scores & scores
on that one?

When's the last time anyone heard the
unending onslaught of Muslims killing
Muslims in Iraq, Pakistan, and elsewhere
BECAUSE the murdered were not
members of the murderers' particular
Islamic cult called what it is: inspired
by Islam rather than "civil strife" as if
it were a dispute over workers' comp?!

S D Rodrian

Rabbi Brad Hirschfield wrote: "Please stop
the Nazi comparisons"

If we can not compare something to something
else, how are we going to measure anything?!?

How are we ever going to compare the Islamic
Genocide which has been going on for 1,600
years and has claimed the lives of hundreds
of millions of innocents if we do not compare
it to the worse Genocide in our immediate
experience? To which other genocide are we
supposed to compare the Islamic Genocide?
It is the most monstrous and unimaginably
immense Genocide in all human history, and
a comparison to the Genocide of the Nazis is
about the only thing which can really put its
terrible immensity in perspective. What else
can one to compare it to, a duck run over by
a truck?!?

Instead of trying to thwart our understanding
of exactly how monstrous the Islamic Genocide
is (by such cheap tricks as trying to prevent its
comparison to the Nazi Genocide)... we should
instead be expending our efforts trying to explain
how otherwise perfectly "normal" human beings
can engage in such unimaginable murder and
brutality... and in trying to find ways to prevent
genocide in the future.

And begin right here: Everywhere on this earth
Muslim youth are taught practically from the day
they are born that every word in the Koran is
the indisputable sacred word of God, that the
commandments of God were conveyed by the
angel Gabriel to Mohammed and set down into
the Koran without one single error in its
transmission: every word. Islamic "scholars"
have even produced "proofs" that the Koran is
a mathematically perfect algorithm whose every
part "proves" the "truth" of every other part!!!

Under these circumstances what do you suppose
will happen when "good, pious" Muslim youths
who wish to get closer to their "religion" come
across passages in the Koran such as these:

Qur'an 8.1 "They ask you about the benefits
of capturing the spoils of war. Tell them: ‘The
benefits belong to Allah and to His Messenger.'
So fulfill your duty to Allah and the Prophet."
Qur'an 8.5 "Your Lord sent you from your
homes to fight for the true cause." Qur'an 8.7
"Allah wished to confirm the truth by His
words: ‘Wipe the infidels out to the last.'"
Qur'an 8.12 "I shall terrorize the infidels.
So wound their bodies and incapacitate them
because they oppose Allah and His Apostle.
Qur'an 8.15 "Believers, when you meet the
unbelievers in battle, do not turn your back
on them for any Muslim who retreats will
bring the wrath of Allah on himself and will
abide in Hell." Qur'an 8.72 "Those who
accepted Islam and left their homes to fight
in Allah's Cause with their possessions and
persons, and those who gave them shelter
and aided them are your allies. You are
only called to protect Muslims who fight."
Qur'an 8.73 "The infidels aid one another.
Unless you do the same there will be
anarchy in the land. Those who accepted
Islam and left their homes to fight in Allah's
Cause are good Muslims." Qur'an 8.57 "If
you meet them in battle, inflict on them
such a defeat as would be a lesson for
those who come after them, that they may
be warned." Qur'an 8.59 "The infidels
should not think that they can get away
from us. Prepare against them whatever
arms and weaponry you can muster so
that you may terrorize them. They are
your enemy and Allah's enemy." Qur'an
8.71 "He will give you mastery over them."
Qur'an 8.39 " So, fight them till all
opposition ends and the only religion is

Please explain to me and to everyone else in
this world (most especially of all the victims
of Islamic butchery) how any "good, pious"
Muslim youth can avoid becoming convinced
that God commands him to become a terrorist
of Islam's enemies once he comes across
such passages in a Koran he has all his life
been taught every last word of it (without
a single exception) is the express demands
& orders of God?!? Because I don't know.

But now you know that when some Western
patsy, apologist, or enabler of Islamic genocide
tells you Osama bin Laden is a crazy extremist
who "perverts and misinterprets Islam" (and
that Islam is really all about "love and peace"):
they are lying to you, and they are setting you
up for ruin, enslavement, death, and worse.

S D Rodrian


[A couple of Christians Fundamentalists
called for a "Burn The Quran Day" and the
Washington Post chided Christianity itself
for demanding Muslims stop their genocide
but not demanding that the Quran be
respected by all Christians as a holy book!]

Yeah! The darn poor Muslims are expected to
denounce the mass-murder, brutality, human
slavery, robbing, and raping they've been
engaging in unrelentingly for the past 1600
years AND are engaging in all over the world
today... while those evil Christians get a pass
on their flaming book burning! Outrageous!
Quick, some enabler of Islamic genocide:
write a column! [sarcasm 101]


"Among Muslims there are emerging
efforts beyond press releases to engage
Islamist fanatics and Muslims, especially
young Muslims, at risk of radicalization."

Why don't you try engaging all Muslims world-
wide, because there is nowhere in this planet
earth a place where there are Muslims and
Muslims are not engaged in brutalizing, abusing,
murdering, intimidating and/or harassing [etc.]
non-Muslims (and even other Muslims where
there is a scarcity of non-Muslims available
because they've butchered all there once were):
From the United States, Egypt, Africa, Asia,
Europe, Indonesia, Pakistan, Iran, Afghanistan,
Iraq, Bali, you name it. Could this just merely
be a coincidence? Or is it not more likely two
indisputable FACTS tragically coming together:

ONE: The Koran is a war-mongering
document created by a despicable and
murderous highwayman for the purpose
of inspiring his gang of cutthroats to
their loathsome vocation religiously.


TWO: There are NO MUSLIMS anywhere
in the world willing to or capable (for fear
of being butchered by their fellow-Muslims)
of denouncing the monstrosities which lurk
in the Koran and every now and again inspire
Muslims who venture to take as a religion the
unimaginable atrocities it enshrines: NONE.

Ask the Muslims you know to please condemn
NOT the Quran itself and all it says BUT only
those portions of it that command Muslims to
"put terror into the hearts of non-Muslims" and
see if they are brave/decent enough to do it.

The Islamic genocides will go on & on until
such time as the world, and specifically Muslims
themselves place their own humanity above
the inhuman outrages of the Quran and at last
denounce it for the rank evil it undeniably is.

S D Rodrian


I am not all that sure that to the apologists
for Islam it would much matter if Feisal Abdul
Rauf [the really creepy Muslim imam behind
the New York mosque] had funded the 9/11
attacks. Just as it doesn't much matter to
them now that Islam is CLEARLY the ONLY
justification for them.


Why they appear to be so convinced that
"Islam means Peace," or that Islam is as
innocuous a "religion" as Buddhism, when
the truth against this is so impossible to
avoid ... cries out for some psychological
explanation (since there doesn't seem to
be any evidence that Saudi Arabia or some
other such nefarious entity is suborning
most of them).

What is unclear to me is how then Nazism
is indicted as the cause of what a handful
of Nazi extremists did back in the 30s & 40s.
After all, read the Koran and it as clearly
advocates the murder of non-Muslims as
Mein Kampf advocates the murder of Jews
(and perhaps even more explicitly). What
would people think if they had to listen to
a continuous litany about how "only 18 or
28 (tops)" Nazis were really responsible
for the Holocaust, and that "most Nazis"
were really decent, honorable citizens of
the world? Have they not the Constitutional
right to build their beerhalls where they

Certainly history provides us with many
more incidents of much greater Islamic
genocides than it ever does of the infamous
Nazi one (there's one region in India alone
where Muslims butchered as many as, yes:
60,000,000 Hindus. And it's not as if Muslims
themselves are trying to hide all this horror,
either (except for the Turks trying to deny
the Armenian Genocide): There are many
places in Afghanistan and Pakistan named
Hindu-kush-something to this day... or, the
place where the Hindus were slaughtered).
Entire cities of many millions of souls in
the Indian subcontinent were butchered
without mercy down to the last man, woman,
and child by the Muslims in their heyday of
Islamic conquest. But I imagine that's far
too distant in the past for all those victims
of Islamic genocide to be of much relevance
to the present day liberals & defenders of
religious freedom hollering: Long live the
freedom of Muslims to continue to practice
their "religion!" forever as ever they've done!

I'll just go hide under my bed now.

S D Rodrian
2010-10-29 16:42:08 UTC
American Muslims today occupy the same
role as the Japanese Americans
during W.W. II. > David H
Actually, the Japanese were real/actual victims
of American racism: The Italian-Americans
and the German-Americans were not interned
in camps "for their own protection." NOTE:

The Japanese Shinto religion does not advocate
the murder of those who do not practice Shinto;
nor does it demand that anyone become a
follower of Shinto (who doesn't want to) under
penalty of death. And, like the Japanese,
neither the Italians nor the Germans were
under any religious duty to murder Americans
simply because of who/what they were. In this
sense, they were nothing like Muslims today:

Islam, the Islam that every Muslim MUST
follow under penalty of death, demands that
non-Muslims either be forced to become
Muslims or that they be slaughtered.


CONDEMN OR OPPOSE any of the passages
in the Koran demanding Muslims murder non-
Muslims: NEVER. Such a condemnation would
draw an instant/automatic sentence of death
which is the duty of EVERY (other) Muslim
to administer (and that includes that Muslim's
parents and/or children, friends and/or family
members, and/or any/every casual Muslim
at hand).

This is what most non-Muslims do not
understand/appreciate, as they ask why more
Muslims do not condemn "terrorism" ...
Muslims perpetrate against non-Muslims:

What non-Muslims call "terrorism" (against
non-Muslims) the Koran calls the duty of
every Muslim.

The only "terrorism" condemned by Muslim
authorities & others (is the terrorism carried
out against them or that which damages
their standing in the West, or their pockets).

But, again, not ONE Muslim will condemn
the passages in the Koran advocating
Terrorism (of non-Muslims) themselves.

That should tell you all you need to know
about Islam... and your Muslim neighbors.

S D Rodrian

The path to Wisdom
always follows that of Truth:

All religions are local.
Only science is universal.

Robert Wright asked: Can Americans
gradually develop greater tolerance
for Muslims as they have for gays?


I answer:

Of course. The instant the Muslim
genocide of non-Muslims goes down
tom oh, around the level of the genocide
being carried out by gays against non-
gays... I don't see why non-Muslims
couldn't find a little more tolerance
for Muslims. We're all humans.


And, while I have never been the victim
of a Muslim attack, more than once have
I been the victim of gay attacks: Just a
month ago a gay guy (I assume he was
gay, although truth be told he didn't come
out & state it for a fact) stopped me in the
street and asked me whether I'd like a blow
job! (I have no idea what attracts gay guys
to me, but I'd sure like to find out so I can
fix it, for God's sake!) I declined his offer.

Now. Of course, the gay genocide of non-
gays pretty much hasn't even gotten
started yet... while the Muslim genocide
of non-Muslims dates back to Mohammed
himself, who started it off (what, going
on 14 or 15 centuries now). So it's gonna
be a might hard for Muslims to let go of
this habit of killing non-Muslims of theirs.


But, there's always hope. And pipe dreams.
And, of course, the current strategy of
dodging the Muslim bombs, and keeping
an eye out for their suicide bombers &
whatnot, trying to bring them to court when
they murder us, and just plain learning
to live with grenades being tossed at ya
while you walk back & forth like ducks
at the fairground shooting galleries. I guess
it's the only politically correct thing to do
in our modern civilized world... before it
goes the way of the Roman Empire.

S D Rodrian

The path to Wisdom
always follows that of Truth:

All religions are local.
Only science is universal.

