Y'an a marre
(trop ancien pour répondre)
2004-01-04 06:51:02 UTC
You really need a poet to make your portrait , despicable character !

I am here to learn more about the Algerian man : the perpetual rebel as
I heard
someone says -My visit to this ng was not vain. Since the discovery of
mass grave where 7000 human beings related by blood to you and members of
your own families have been slaughtered and burried by the butchers of
The same butchers are also the torturers and the executioners of the
Moroccan hostages they've locked up in Tindouf in Southern Algeria for 30
years now-
What I have found here are followers ,supporters,votarists,adherents not
leaders but docile lambs following unconscienscously their butchers to
their slaughterhouse -
Whay I see here are slaves handcuffing themselves and giving the key of
their chains to their masters-
What I have seen here during last 4 or five days only, were defeated ewes
"brebis" without will to survive , throwing themselves to the ground and
offering their throat to their butchers-
What I see here are submissive hostages and defeated men prostrated
,dropped down on their knees glorifiying and begging their gods for
mercy and benediction -
What I see here are not even ephemeral or fugitive rebels, but only
slavish janitors in charge of cleaning daily their slaughterhouse -
What I see here are the bodyguards of the injustice ,of the oppression and
of the repression of Algerian people who keep digging mass grave after
mass grave in prevision of future massacres of their own people and their
blood relations --

Quote me on every word of this satirical poem dedicated to cold blodded
like you -

Massafi -
Meme en ce debut d'nnée dkhaltouha comme l'an dernier et commesous
l'incquisition !!
Toi qui parle du charnier de relizane ? alros va prendre les armes et va
sur place et laisses nous en paix
En paix!!!dit-il -What a creep !!
Quote me on every word of this satirical poem dedicated to cold blodded
like you -

a cracher ton venin ... tu donne
'lapparence d'un frustré que certains on pas laissé les miettes du gateau
Comme dit l'adage le chien aboit et la caravane passe .... ca te
que des algeriens puissent essayer de discuter sans avoir a chaque fois
vomis qui vienne polluer l'echange ??? Tu dois rouler pour certains car
empeches meme le dialogue entre des personnes qui en ont rien a foutre de
tes ...
Rouh allah yahdik !!!
va te monter un TPI a toi tout seul ..
2004-01-04 13:17:03 UTC
tu t'adresse a qui ??

Il est imperatif de pesner que nous sommes en 2004 que la rebellion passe
par la connaissance et plus par les maquis !!!
Que la loi du talion que pechait l'esprit rebelles ne nous distingue pas des
bourreau, animaux et fou en tous genre qui vont assaniner aveuglement !!!
Que toute action ne portera ses fruits que si elle est concerté et remporte
une adhesion globale !!!
Que de pleurnicher sur un NG ne se distingue en rien des kiyassate que 'lon
trouve dans les hamamm de rabat alger ou tunis !!!
Je ne sais si tu es la vraie euaclaire ou la fausse mais si tu t'adressais a
moi ... je te dirais .. que es guere plsu intelligente que ceux qui nous
rabate sans cesse leur betise de boucherie .. ou de berberité !!!
2004-01-04 21:19:33 UTC
Post by Sam
tu t'adresse a qui ??
S'il etait permis de voir l'interieur de ton crane,
on se rendrait compte se deversent tes dechets-
Post by Sam
tu t'adresse a qui ??
Ne m'adresse plus la parole , vache "intelligente" !!!
Nous n'avons rien de commun,grace A Dieu !
Post by Sam
Il est imperatif de pesner que nous sommes en 2004 que la rebellion passe
par la connaissance et plus par les maquis !!!
Que la loi du talion que pechait l'esprit rebelles ne nous distingue pas des
bourreau, animaux et fou en tous genre qui vont assaniner aveuglement !!!
Que toute action ne portera ses fruits que si elle est concerté et remporte
une adhesion globale !!!
Que de pleurnicher sur un NG ne se distingue en rien des kiyassate que 'lon
trouve dans les hamamm de rabat alger ou tunis !!!
Je ne sais si tu es la vraie euaclaire ou la fausse
mais si tu t'adressais a
moi ... je te dirais .. que es guere plsu intelligente que ceux qui nous
rabate sans cesse leur betise de boucherie .. ou de berberité !!!
2004-01-04 21:20:31 UTC
Post by eauclaire
Post by Sam
tu t'adresse a qui ??
Bien lire :
S'il etait permis de voir l'interieur de ton crane,
on se rendrait compte OU ` se deversent tes dechets-
Post by eauclaire
Post by Sam
tu t'adresse a qui ??
Ne m'adresse plus la parole , vache "intelligente" !!!
Nous n'avons rien de commun,grace A Dieu !
Post by Sam
Il est imperatif de pesner que nous sommes en 2004 que la rebellion
Post by Sam
par la connaissance et plus par les maquis !!!
Que la loi du talion que pechait l'esprit rebelles ne nous distingue pas
Post by Sam
bourreau, animaux et fou en tous genre qui vont assaniner aveuglement !!!
Que toute action ne portera ses fruits que si elle est concerté et
Post by Sam
une adhesion globale !!!
Que de pleurnicher sur un NG ne se distingue en rien des kiyassate que
Post by Sam
trouve dans les hamamm de rabat alger ou tunis !!!
Je ne sais si tu es la vraie euaclaire ou la fausse
mais si tu t'adressais a
moi ... je te dirais .. que es guere plsu intelligente que ceux qui nous
rabate sans cesse leur betise de boucherie .. ou de berberité !!!
2004-01-05 00:12:46 UTC
pauvre tache !!!
2004-01-05 00:14:29 UTC
ou rouh taati l'algerie on l'a fera pour les generation a venir mais
toi ouellah tebka barra !!!! .
kil lihoud 40ans hatta ki tmout thaouasse alla ard jdadak !!!!
le moment present ya tnah
c'est l'histoire du veau d'or !!! relis tes classique espece de bouhayouf
2004-01-06 20:13:08 UTC
M'mah, m'hla yadin al-malique. Nous sommes baiseurs des MAINS et apres?
C'est GENETIQUE. Les algeriens sont arrieres parcequ'ils ne baisent pas les
mains de Boutef.
eau claire.
Post by eauclaire
You really need a poet to make your portrait , despicable character !
I am here to learn more about the Algerian man : the perpetual rebel
Post by eauclaire
I heard
someone says -My visit to this ng was not vain. Since the discovery of
mass grave where 7000 human beings related by blood to you and members of
your own families have been slaughtered and burried by the butchers of
The same butchers are also the torturers and the executioners of the
Moroccan hostages they've locked up in Tindouf in Southern Algeria for 30
years now-
What I have found here are followers ,supporters,votarists,adherents
Post by eauclaire
leaders but docile lambs following unconscienscously their butchers to
their slaughterhouse -
Whay I see here are slaves handcuffing themselves and giving the key of
their chains to their masters-
What I have seen here during last 4 or five days only, were defeated ewes
"brebis" without will to survive , throwing themselves to the ground and
offering their throat to their butchers-
What I see here are submissive hostages and defeated men prostrated
,dropped down on their knees glorifiying and begging their gods for
mercy and benediction -
What I see here are not even ephemeral or fugitive rebels, but only
slavish janitors in charge of cleaning daily their slaughterhouse -
What I see here are the bodyguards of the injustice ,of the oppression and
of the repression of Algerian people who keep digging mass grave after
mass grave in prevision of future massacres of their own people and their
blood relations --
Quote me on every word of this satirical poem dedicated to cold blodded
like you -
Massafi -
Meme en ce debut d'nnée dkhaltouha comme l'an dernier et commesous
l'incquisition !!
Toi qui parle du charnier de relizane ? alros va prendre les armes et va
sur place et laisses nous en paix
En paix!!!dit-il -What a creep !!
Quote me on every word of this satirical poem dedicated to cold blodded
like you -
a cracher ton venin ... tu donne
'lapparence d'un frustré que certains on pas laissé les miettes du gateau
Comme dit l'adage le chien aboit et la caravane passe .... ca te
que des algeriens puissent essayer de discuter sans avoir a chaque fois
vomis qui vienne polluer l'echange ??? Tu dois rouler pour certains car
empeches meme le dialogue entre des personnes qui en ont rien a foutre de
tes ...
Rouh allah yahdik !!!
va te monter un TPI a toi tout seul ..
2004-01-07 13:49:01 UTC
Sorry man but this has nothing to do with tradition. I have seen a program about
Saddam, Hafed al Assad and Shah of Iran .... people bending and kissing their
hands. The old regimes were built and based on power, authority, oppression, and
finally HUMILIATION of own people.

M6 has done lot of good steps in short time period but he does not seem to
realize how humiliating it is to kiss his hands, speically when he is in a
foreign country. He need to be reminded of the reason and the origin of that as
mentioned above.

Did not you notice, the guys who are kissing his hands do not even how to behave
and how to kiss it. There is no process ;-)

Imagine one word from M6 and it will stop....

I am one of his supporter and fan but he got to stop that .... et que les
Algerians imshew ii kawdoo.. who cares about thier opinion. Like we say: wa
ishofo ghiir h'rirt hom.

Post by eauclaire
M'mah, m'hla yadin al-malique. Nous sommes baiseurs des MAINS et apres?
C'est GENETIQUE. Les algeriens sont arrieres parcequ'ils ne baisent pas les
mains de Boutef.
eau claire.
Post by eauclaire
You really need a poet to make your portrait , despicable character !
I am here to learn more about the Algerian man : the perpetual rebel
Post by eauclaire
I heard
someone says -My visit to this ng was not vain. Since the discovery of
mass grave where 7000 human beings related by blood to you and members
Post by eauclaire
your own families have been slaughtered and burried by the butchers of
The same butchers are also the torturers and the executioners of the
Moroccan hostages they've locked up in Tindouf in Southern Algeria for
Post by eauclaire
years now-
What I have found here are followers ,supporters,votarists,adherents
Post by eauclaire
leaders but docile lambs following unconscienscously their butchers to
their slaughterhouse -
Whay I see here are slaves handcuffing themselves and giving the key of
their chains to their masters-
What I have seen here during last 4 or five days only, were defeated ewes
"brebis" without will to survive , throwing themselves to the ground and
offering their throat to their butchers-
What I see here are submissive hostages and defeated men prostrated
,dropped down on their knees glorifiying and begging their gods for
mercy and benediction -
What I see here are not even ephemeral or fugitive rebels, but only
slavish janitors in charge of cleaning daily their slaughterhouse -
What I see here are the bodyguards of the injustice ,of the oppression
Post by eauclaire
of the repression of Algerian people who keep digging mass grave after
mass grave in prevision of future massacres of their own people and their
blood relations --
Quote me on every word of this satirical poem dedicated to cold blodded
like you -
Massafi -
Meme en ce debut d'nnée dkhaltouha comme l'an dernier et commesous
l'incquisition !!
Toi qui parle du charnier de relizane ? alros va prendre les armes et
Post by eauclaire
sur place et laisses nous en paix
En paix!!!dit-il -What a creep !!
Quote me on every word of this satirical poem dedicated to cold blodded
like you -
a cracher ton venin ... tu donne
'lapparence d'un frustré que certains on pas laissé les miettes du
Post by eauclaire
Comme dit l'adage le chien aboit et la caravane passe .... ca te
que des algeriens puissent essayer de discuter sans avoir a chaque fois
vomis qui vienne polluer l'echange ??? Tu dois rouler pour certains
Post by eauclaire
empeches meme le dialogue entre des personnes qui en ont rien a foutre
Post by eauclaire
tes ...
Rouh allah yahdik !!!
va te monter un TPI a toi tout seul ..
2004-01-07 14:47:29 UTC
Ya Zero Kavi,
le baise=main n' est que la forme apparente du baise-couilles.
Dzriine syadek!
(Entre nous, je suis convaincu que tu serais tres honore d' embrasser
les couilles de M6 et tes enfants les boules de M17 !)
Post by Walo
Sorry man but this has nothing to do with tradition. I have seen a program about
Saddam, Hafed al Assad and Shah of Iran .... people bending and kissing their
hands. The old regimes were built and based on power, authority, oppression, and
finally HUMILIATION of own people.
M6 has done lot of good steps in short time period but he does not seem to
realize how humiliating it is to kiss his hands, speically when he is in a
foreign country. He need to be reminded of the reason and the origin of that as
mentioned above.
Did not you notice, the guys who are kissing his hands do not even how to behave
and how to kiss it. There is no process ;-)
Imagine one word from M6 and it will stop....
I am one of his supporter and fan but he got to stop that .... et que les
Algerians imshew ii kawdoo.. who cares about thier opinion. Like we say: wa
ishofo ghiir h'rirt hom.
Post by eauclaire
M'mah, m'hla yadin al-malique. Nous sommes baiseurs des MAINS et apres?
C'est GENETIQUE. Les algeriens sont arrieres parcequ'ils ne baisent pas les
mains de Boutef.
eau claire.
Post by eauclaire
You really need a poet to make your portrait , despicable character !
I am here to learn more about the Algerian man : the perpetual rebel
Post by eauclaire
I heard
someone says -My visit to this ng was not vain. Since the discovery of
mass grave where 7000 human beings related by blood to you and members
Post by eauclaire
your own families have been slaughtered and burried by the butchers of
The same butchers are also the torturers and the executioners of the
Moroccan hostages they've locked up in Tindouf in Southern Algeria for
Post by eauclaire
years now-
What I have found here are followers ,supporters,votarists,adherents
Post by eauclaire
leaders but docile lambs following unconscienscously their butchers to
their slaughterhouse -
Whay I see here are slaves handcuffing themselves and giving the key of
their chains to their masters-
What I have seen here during last 4 or five days only, were defeated ewes
"brebis" without will to survive , throwing themselves to the ground and
offering their throat to their butchers-
What I see here are submissive hostages and defeated men prostrated
,dropped down on their knees glorifiying and begging their gods for
mercy and benediction -
What I see here are not even ephemeral or fugitive rebels, but only
slavish janitors in charge of cleaning daily their slaughterhouse -
What I see here are the bodyguards of the injustice ,of the oppression
Post by eauclaire
of the repression of Algerian people who keep digging mass grave after
mass grave in prevision of future massacres of their own people and their
blood relations --
Quote me on every word of this satirical poem dedicated to cold blodded
like you -
Massafi -
Meme en ce debut d'nnée dkhaltouha comme l'an dernier et commesous
l'incquisition !!
Toi qui parle du charnier de relizane ? alros va prendre les armes et
Post by eauclaire
sur place et laisses nous en paix
En paix!!!dit-il -What a creep !!
Quote me on every word of this satirical poem dedicated to cold blodded
like you -
a cracher ton venin ... tu donne
'lapparence d'un frustré que certains on pas laissé les miettes du
Post by eauclaire
Comme dit l'adage le chien aboit et la caravane passe .... ca te
que des algeriens puissent essayer de discuter sans avoir a chaque fois
vomis qui vienne polluer l'echange ??? Tu dois rouler pour certains
Post by eauclaire
empeches meme le dialogue entre des personnes qui en ont rien a foutre
Post by eauclaire
tes ...
Rouh allah yahdik !!!
va te monter un TPI a toi tout seul ..
2004-01-07 15:15:52 UTC
entre les deux y'a nous
ahahhahah si elle en a les moyens !
2004-01-07 19:53:21 UTC
ssir 3awad li karek la darek a ta rikt al kattala.....
Post by DigitCoffeeSmell
Ya Zero Kavi,
le baise=main n' est que la forme apparente du baise-couilles.
Dzriine syadek!
(Entre nous, je suis convaincu que tu serais tres honore d' embrasser
les couilles de M6 et tes enfants les boules de M17 !)
Post by Walo
Sorry man but this has nothing to do with tradition. I have seen a program about
Saddam, Hafed al Assad and Shah of Iran .... people bending and kissing their
hands. The old regimes were built and based on power, authority, oppression, and
finally HUMILIATION of own people.
M6 has done lot of good steps in short time period but he does not seem to
realize how humiliating it is to kiss his hands, speically when he is in a
foreign country. He need to be reminded of the reason and the origin of that as
mentioned above.
Did not you notice, the guys who are kissing his hands do not even how to behave
and how to kiss it. There is no process ;-)
Imagine one word from M6 and it will stop....
I am one of his supporter and fan but he got to stop that .... et que les
Algerians imshew ii kawdoo.. who cares about thier opinion. Like we say: wa
ishofo ghiir h'rirt hom.
Post by eauclaire
M'mah, m'hla yadin al-malique. Nous sommes baiseurs des MAINS et apres?
C'est GENETIQUE. Les algeriens sont arrieres parcequ'ils ne baisent pas les
mains de Boutef.
eau claire.
Post by eauclaire
You really need a poet to make your portrait , despicable character !
I am here to learn more about the Algerian man : the perpetual rebel
Post by eauclaire
I heard
someone says -My visit to this ng was not vain. Since the discovery of
mass grave where 7000 human beings related by blood to you and members
Post by eauclaire
your own families have been slaughtered and burried by the butchers of
The same butchers are also the torturers and the executioners of the
Moroccan hostages they've locked up in Tindouf in Southern Algeria for
Post by eauclaire
years now-
What I have found here are followers ,supporters,votarists,adherents
Post by eauclaire
leaders but docile lambs following unconscienscously their butchers to
their slaughterhouse -
Whay I see here are slaves handcuffing themselves and giving the key of
their chains to their masters-
What I have seen here during last 4 or five days only, were defeated ewes
"brebis" without will to survive , throwing themselves to the ground and
offering their throat to their butchers-
What I see here are submissive hostages and defeated men prostrated
,dropped down on their knees glorifiying and begging their gods for
mercy and benediction -
What I see here are not even ephemeral or fugitive rebels, but only
slavish janitors in charge of cleaning daily their slaughterhouse -
What I see here are the bodyguards of the injustice ,of the oppression
Post by eauclaire
of the repression of Algerian people who keep digging mass grave after
mass grave in prevision of future massacres of their own people and their
blood relations --
Quote me on every word of this satirical poem dedicated to cold blodded
like you -
Massafi -
Meme en ce debut d'nnée dkhaltouha comme l'an dernier et commesous
l'incquisition !!
Toi qui parle du charnier de relizane ? alros va prendre les armes et
Post by eauclaire
sur place et laisses nous en paix
En paix!!!dit-il -What a creep !!
Quote me on every word of this satirical poem dedicated to cold blodded
like you -
a cracher ton venin ... tu donne
'lapparence d'un frustré que certains on pas laissé les miettes du
Post by eauclaire
Comme dit l'adage le chien aboit et la caravane passe .... ca te
que des algeriens puissent essayer de discuter sans avoir a chaque fois
vomis qui vienne polluer l'echange ??? Tu dois rouler pour certains
Post by eauclaire
empeches meme le dialogue entre des personnes qui en ont rien a foutre
Post by eauclaire
tes ...
Rouh allah yahdik !!!
va te monter un TPI a toi tout seul ..
2004-01-07 20:29:53 UTC
fahmouni ouache djab le maroc ici ...
ca laisse supposer que les bruits qui donnaient la naissance du terrorisme
en algerie etait bien une manoeuvre de l'exterieur !!
Boris Ryser
2004-01-08 00:00:51 UTC
Post by Walo
ssir 3awad li karek la darek a ta rikt al kattala.....
Très malhonnête en plus!!!!!
T'as pas honte à ton âge?

Post by Walo
Post by DigitCoffeeSmell
Ya Zero Kavi,
le baise=main n' est que la forme apparente du baise-couilles.
Dzriine syadek!
(Entre nous, je suis convaincu que tu serais tres honore d' embrasser
les couilles de M6 et tes enfants les boules de M17 !)
Post by Walo
Sorry man but this has nothing to do with tradition. I have seen a program about
Saddam, Hafed al Assad and Shah of Iran .... people bending and kissing their
hands. The old regimes were built and based on power, authority, oppression, and
finally HUMILIATION of own people.
M6 has done lot of good steps in short time period but he does not seem to
realize how humiliating it is to kiss his hands, speically when he is in a
foreign country. He need to be reminded of the reason and the origin of that as
mentioned above.
Did not you notice, the guys who are kissing his hands do not even how to behave
and how to kiss it. There is no process ;-)
Imagine one word from M6 and it will stop....
I am one of his supporter and fan but he got to stop that .... et que les
Algerians imshew ii kawdoo.. who cares about thier opinion. Like we say: wa
ishofo ghiir h'rirt hom.
Post by eauclaire
M'mah, m'hla yadin al-malique. Nous sommes baiseurs des MAINS et apres?
C'est GENETIQUE. Les algeriens sont arrieres parcequ'ils ne baisent pas les
mains de Boutef.
eau claire.
Post by eauclaire
You really need a poet to make your portrait , despicable character !
I am here to learn more about the Algerian man : the perpetual rebel
Post by eauclaire
I heard
someone says -My visit to this ng was not vain. Since the discovery of
mass grave where 7000 human beings related by blood to you and members
Post by eauclaire
your own families have been slaughtered and burried by the butchers of
The same butchers are also the torturers and the executioners of the
Moroccan hostages they've locked up in Tindouf in Southern Algeria for
Post by eauclaire
years now-
What I have found here are followers ,supporters,votarists,adherents
Post by eauclaire
leaders but docile lambs following unconscienscously their butchers to
their slaughterhouse -
Whay I see here are slaves handcuffing themselves and giving the key of
their chains to their masters-
What I have seen here during last 4 or five days only, were defeated ewes
"brebis" without will to survive , throwing themselves to the ground and
offering their throat to their butchers-
What I see here are submissive hostages and defeated men prostrated
,dropped down on their knees glorifiying and begging their gods for
mercy and benediction -
What I see here are not even ephemeral or fugitive rebels, but only
slavish janitors in charge of cleaning daily their slaughterhouse -
What I see here are the bodyguards of the injustice ,of the oppression
Post by eauclaire
of the repression of Algerian people who keep digging mass grave after
mass grave in prevision of future massacres of their own people and their
blood relations --
Quote me on every word of this satirical poem dedicated to cold blodded
like you -
Massafi -
Meme en ce debut d'nnée dkhaltouha comme l'an dernier et commesous
l'incquisition !!
Toi qui parle du charnier de relizane ? alros va prendre les armes et
Post by eauclaire
sur place et laisses nous en paix
En paix!!!dit-il -What a creep !!
Quote me on every word of this satirical poem dedicated to cold blodded
like you -
a cracher ton venin ... tu donne
'lapparence d'un frustré que certains on pas laissé les miettes du
Post by eauclaire
Comme dit l'adage le chien aboit et la caravane passe .... ca te
que des algeriens puissent essayer de discuter sans avoir a chaque fois
vomis qui vienne polluer l'echange ??? Tu dois rouler pour certains
Post by eauclaire
empeches meme le dialogue entre des personnes qui en ont rien a foutre
Post by eauclaire
tes ...
Rouh allah yahdik !!!
va te monter un TPI a toi tout seul ..
2004-01-08 07:14:38 UTC
ssir takhra .... ala3roubi
Post by Boris Ryser
Post by Walo
ssir 3awad li karek la darek a ta rikt al kattala.....
Très malhonnête en plus!!!!!
T'as pas honte à ton âge?
Post by Walo
Post by DigitCoffeeSmell
Ya Zero Kavi,
le baise=main n' est que la forme apparente du baise-couilles.
Dzriine syadek!
(Entre nous, je suis convaincu que tu serais tres honore d' embrasser
les couilles de M6 et tes enfants les boules de M17 !)
Post by Walo
Sorry man but this has nothing to do with tradition. I have seen a program about
Saddam, Hafed al Assad and Shah of Iran .... people bending and kissing their
hands. The old regimes were built and based on power, authority, oppression, and
finally HUMILIATION of own people.
M6 has done lot of good steps in short time period but he does not seem to
realize how humiliating it is to kiss his hands, speically when he is in a
foreign country. He need to be reminded of the reason and the origin of that as
mentioned above.
Did not you notice, the guys who are kissing his hands do not even how to behave
and how to kiss it. There is no process ;-)
Imagine one word from M6 and it will stop....
I am one of his supporter and fan but he got to stop that .... et que les
Algerians imshew ii kawdoo.. who cares about thier opinion. Like we say: wa
ishofo ghiir h'rirt hom.
Post by eauclaire
M'mah, m'hla yadin al-malique. Nous sommes baiseurs des MAINS et apres?
C'est GENETIQUE. Les algeriens sont arrieres parcequ'ils ne baisent pas les
mains de Boutef.
eau claire.
Post by eauclaire
You really need a poet to make your portrait , despicable character !
I am here to learn more about the Algerian man : the perpetual rebel
Post by eauclaire
I heard
someone says -My visit to this ng was not vain. Since the discovery of
mass grave where 7000 human beings related by blood to you and members
Post by eauclaire
your own families have been slaughtered and burried by the butchers of
The same butchers are also the torturers and the executioners of the
Moroccan hostages they've locked up in Tindouf in Southern Algeria for
Post by eauclaire
years now-
What I have found here are followers ,supporters,votarists,adherents
Post by eauclaire
leaders but docile lambs following unconscienscously their butchers to
their slaughterhouse -
Whay I see here are slaves handcuffing themselves and giving the key of
their chains to their masters-
What I have seen here during last 4 or five days only, were defeated ewes
"brebis" without will to survive , throwing themselves to the ground and
offering their throat to their butchers-
What I see here are submissive hostages and defeated men prostrated
,dropped down on their knees glorifiying and begging their gods for
mercy and benediction -
What I see here are not even ephemeral or fugitive rebels, but only
slavish janitors in charge of cleaning daily their slaughterhouse -
What I see here are the bodyguards of the injustice ,of the oppression
Post by eauclaire
of the repression of Algerian people who keep digging mass grave after
mass grave in prevision of future massacres of their own people and their
blood relations --
Quote me on every word of this satirical poem dedicated to cold blodded
like you -
Massafi -
Meme en ce debut d'nnée dkhaltouha comme l'an dernier et commesous
l'incquisition !!
Toi qui parle du charnier de relizane ? alros va prendre les armes et
Post by eauclaire
sur place et laisses nous en paix
En paix!!!dit-il -What a creep !!
Quote me on every word of this satirical poem dedicated to cold blodded
like you -
a cracher ton venin ... tu donne
'lapparence d'un frustré que certains on pas laissé les miettes du
Post by eauclaire
Comme dit l'adage le chien aboit et la caravane passe .... ca te
que des algeriens puissent essayer de discuter sans avoir a chaque fois
vomis qui vienne polluer l'echange ??? Tu dois rouler pour certains
Post by eauclaire
empeches meme le dialogue entre des personnes qui en ont rien a foutre
Post by eauclaire
tes ...
Rouh allah yahdik !!!
va te monter un TPI a toi tout seul ..
2004-01-07 20:44:12 UTC
Sorry for you too - The sender of the message you commented was
Lamouffette personifying eauclaire , you should 've checked
the source of the email before accusing wrongly somebody -
Anyhow,that what lamouffette intends to do in these ng , is to confuse
the uninformed reader about his manipulations by stealing the identity
and nicknames of the credible and honest "internautes" to harm them -
I know Eauclaire's ISP is news.easynewscom and she is innocent of what is
to her by Lamouffette by any other name -
Lamouffette (by any other name or handle) ISP is still
Only his pseudo changes in order to milead the reader who does not know him
yet -
In case of a lawsuit , only the sender of an email is a culprit - They
find him
by checking the source of the email and his ISP- It's as simple as this -
The true eauclaire has nothing to fear, because none of these kind
of email attacking Moroccan national institutions is sent by her -
If you were wiser, if you're the kind of egghead who learns from
of the other and from his own mistakes and other people's mistakesm , you
checked the source of the email before reacting to it and before causing
harm to yourself
(if you're not conscious of your detrimental actions to your country) by
suporting and
justifying a notorious enemy attacks against
our millenarian traditions and national institutions-
Give up once for all catching every oppotunity to comment negatively
this subject of the monarchy - Don't you know what you're doing is
a crime of "lese-majeste`" that has serious consequences on the culprit
and on the jointly
responsible or responsibles - Did ever your parents told you to
" S H U T U P ON THIS SUBJECT to avoid troubles with the law you
to ignore?

Don't ask for Morocco to be perfect 100% - No regime is peprfect bu
Moroccans seem perfectly satisfied with what we've got even if we have to
kiss the
hand that's building day and night the new Morocco for our well being and
for our
peace of mind -What's wrong with kissing an honest, innocent and extra-
clean hand
of our beloved King - Don't you ever kiss the hands of your parents,uncles,
and all those wise and deserving people you respect ????
It is an insignificant price to pay for what Sa Majeste` is doing for the
of our country and for our people-We've been waiting two thousand years
for this social,economical ,and political progress to happen - Don't screw
it up now
that we're in the middle of it !! The King (God bless him) can't do-it
alone all by himself and he needs
support and approbation and every bit of help he can get from anyone - He
Surely does not need now
another enemy or another saboteur to bungle and to destroy what we're
building right now for ourselves and for our future generations
nchaallah -

If Morocco had a regime like Algeria , it would have driven us into an
eternal civil war -
No regime is peprfect even presidential systems , even those that forbid
kissing hands
of their parents -

I think the real eauclaire has ceased from sending emails to this ng -
Don't you think so??
Post by Walo
Sorry man but this has nothing to do with tradition. I have seen a program about
Saddam, Hafed al Assad and Shah of Iran .... people bending and kissing their
hands. The old regimes were built and based on power, authority, oppression, and
finally HUMILIATION of own people.
M6 has done lot of good steps in short time period but he does not seem to
realize how humiliating it is to kiss his hands, speically when he is in a
foreign country. He need to be reminded of the reason and the origin of that as
mentioned above.
Tu n'apprends jamais rien de tes propres erreurs ni de celles de ceux qui
t'on precede`-
Un sujet de SM ne doit en aucun cas l' adresser de cette maniere a
sans qu'il ne viole le code penal et la constitution en vigueur -
Oublie le Roi et la ferme si tu as encore quelque brin d'intelligence
la-dedans !!
Sincerement , je ne veux pas etre a ta place car tu deviens suspect en
la propagande anti-marocaine de nos ennemis -
Just think a minute if the order you give to the King ( He need to be
reminded )
was the right think to say here on these ng -
Tu pourrais toujours te racheter sur ce ng en evitant le sujet de la
et en expliquant que tu ne te rendais pas compte de la portee negative sur
ton pays
de ce que tu as ecrit dans ton email ci-dessus - La liberte de
l'expression consiste
a exprimer tout ce qu'on veut dans le respect des lois - Ne l'oublie pas -
Je n'ai plus de respect pour toi car tu approuves les diatribes de nos
enemis communs-
Post by Walo
Did not you notice, the guys who are kissing his hands do not even how to behave
and how to kiss it. There is no process ;-)
Imagine one word from M6 and it will stop....
I am one of his supporter and fan but he got to stop that
Encore des ordres a SM!!! Qui est le Roi et qui west le sujet? Je me le
demande -
Crois-tu que tu es intelligent????

.... et que les
Post by Walo
Algerians imshew ii kawdoo.. who cares about thier opinion. Like we say: wa
ishofo ghiir h'rirt hom.
Post by Walo
Post by eauclaire
M'mah, m'hla yadin al-malique. Nous sommes baiseurs des MAINS et apres?
C'est GENETIQUE. Les algeriens sont arrieres parcequ'ils ne baisent pas les
mains de Boutef.
eau claire.
-Que l'on soit clair la-dessus -
La vraie eauclaire massafi domicilie`e a l'ISP @ news easy news.com est
de qu'on essaie de lui attribuer en usurpant son nom -
L'auteur de cette declaration est un escroc qui essaie de se faire passer
pour la vraie eau-claire -
Post by Walo
Post by eauclaire
Post by eauclaire
You really need a poet to make your portrait , despicable character !
I am here to learn more about the Algerian man : the perpetual
Post by Walo
Post by eauclaire
Post by eauclaire
I heard
someone says -My visit to this ng was not vain. Since the discovery of
mass grave where 7000 human beings related by blood to you and members
Post by eauclaire
your own families have been slaughtered and burried by the butchers of
The same butchers are also the torturers and the executioners of the
Moroccan hostages they've locked up in Tindouf in Southern Algeria
Post by Walo
Post by eauclaire
Post by eauclaire
years now-
What I have found here are followers
Post by Walo
Post by eauclaire
Post by eauclaire
leaders but docile lambs following unconscienscously their butchers to
their slaughterhouse -
Whay I see here are slaves handcuffing themselves and giving the
key of
Post by Walo
Post by eauclaire
Post by eauclaire
their chains to their masters-
What I have seen here during last 4 or five days only, were defeated
Post by Walo
Post by eauclaire
Post by eauclaire
"brebis" without will to survive , throwing themselves to the ground and
offering their throat to their butchers-
What I see here are submissive hostages and defeated men prostrated
,dropped down on their knees glorifiying and begging their gods for
mercy and benediction -
What I see here are not even ephemeral or fugitive rebels, but only
slavish janitors in charge of cleaning daily their slaughterhouse -
What I see here are the bodyguards of the injustice ,of the oppression
Post by eauclaire
of the repression of Algerian people who keep digging mass grave after
mass grave in prevision of future massacres of their own people and their
blood relations --
Quote me on every word of this satirical poem dedicated to cold blodded
like you -
Massafi -
Meme en ce debut d'nnée dkhaltouha comme l'an dernier et commesous
l'incquisition !!
Toi qui parle du charnier de relizane ? alros va prendre les armes et
Post by eauclaire
sur place et laisses nous en paix
En paix!!!dit-il -What a creep !!
Quote me on every word of this satirical poem dedicated to cold blodded
like you -
a cracher ton venin ... tu donne
'lapparence d'un frustré que certains on pas laissé les miettes du
Post by eauclaire
Comme dit l'adage le chien aboit et la caravane passe .... ca te
que des algeriens puissent essayer de discuter sans avoir a chaque fois
vomis qui vienne polluer l'echange ??? Tu dois rouler pour certains
Post by eauclaire
empeches meme le dialogue entre des personnes qui en ont rien a foutre
Post by eauclaire
tes ...
Rouh allah yahdik !!!
va te monter un TPI a toi tout seul ..
2004-01-07 21:12:11 UTC
moi ce qu eje constate , et cela sans haine je trouve qu'il y'a ici des
gens qui pratique l'entrave au fait que des algeriens puissent echanger
inteligement ...
marocains ou algeriens qui empechez le dialogue ...cela en dit beaucoup sur
ce que vous etes !!!
2004-01-07 22:13:33 UTC
Ton opinion ne compte pas parce que tu ne comptes pas non plus.
Dis-moi quel est ce sage qui compte , qui sait compter et qui voudrait
gaspiller son temps a dialoguer avec qulequ'un que ses bouchers
jettent dans un charnier et que ses freres ne peuvent pas denoncer
ses bourreaux quand ils decouvrent son squelette ?

Vous avez enterre vivante ` votre compassion et l'humanite` vous a oublies-

La meme chose ici, on t' oublie parce que tu ne comptes pas -
Post by Sam
moi ce qu eje constate , et cela sans haine je trouve qu'il y'a ici des
gens qui pratique l'entrave au fait que des algeriens puissent echanger
inteligement ...
marocains ou algeriens qui empechez le dialogue ...cela en dit beaucoup sur
ce que vous etes !!!
Je viens de lire la plupart des plus importants quotidiens et agences
Post by Sam
presse internationaux -
aAl'exception d'un ou deux organes de ces medias, aucun autre n'a
Post by Sam
la decouverte du charnier pres de relizane , comme si les victimes ne
comptaient pas, comme si leur vie n'avaient aucune importance, comme si
elles etaient des indesirables, des rejetees de l'humanite,comme si elles
etaient de trop sur la planete -
Cette absence de reaction de la part des medias internationaux vis-vis de
Post by Sam
qui se passe a l'interieur de cet etat barbare d'Algerie ne m'etonne plus
puisque meme le peuple algerien dont sont issus massacre`s ,semble
insensible au sort qui leur a ete reserve` aux mains des assassins au
pouvoir a Alger -Par son mutisme total sur ces horreurs et sur ces
monstruosites sans precedent et commune mesure commises sur une partie
Post by Sam
son peuple,la societe algerienne donne l'impression d'etre soulagee a
l'annonce de ce nouveau genre des controles de naissances selectifs a
l'hitlerienne -
Mais nom de chien.....n'avez-vous pas quelques gouttes de sang dans vos
2004-01-07 23:02:27 UTC
dez maahoum enta bayane propagandiste
malla si je compte pas moi je te calcul meme pas ...
enbah enbah le chameau que je suis continue d'avancer !!!

va te documenter sur des projet comme algerie 2025 ou encore le nepad
mazalak sghir
2004-01-07 23:43:24 UTC
Il a raison ce type, tu ne comptes pas.
"Un bon tien vaut dit-on mieux que deux tu l'auras -"
On s'en foot de l'avenir, je veux avoir mes droits maintenant
tout de suite et qu'on me restitue ce qu'on m'a vole`
et ce dont on m'a prive`depuis 40 ans d'independance -
Post by Sam
dez maahoum enta bayane propagandiste
malla si je compte pas moi je te calcul meme pas ...
enbah enbah le chameau que je suis continue d'avancer !!!
Avancer ou??? Vers ton charnier en tendant ton cou a ton boucher?
Post by Sam
va te documenter sur des projet comme algerie 2025 ou encore le nepad
mazalak sghir
2004-01-08 10:43:46 UTC
ah bon et on t'a volé quoi ?? tu veux quoi comme droit ??? explique
Boris Ryser
2004-01-08 11:28:42 UTC
Post by Sam
ah bon et on t'a volé quoi ?? tu veux quoi comme droit ??? explique
Eh , Oui! c'est comme cela avec "lui" : le voleur crie qu'il est le volé!
Et "il" le crie ici depuis des années .... à propos du Western Sahara.......

Boris ryser

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2004-01-08 12:07:28 UTC
tu sais je 'mamuse a voir les gens hurler au vol ....

je demande simplement qu'as tu donnés a ce pays pour oser te plaindre que
'lon t'ai volé ???
Ca demande des droits mais ca n'est meme pas citoyen !!

Ca me rappel une anecdote vecus .
J'etais dans un pays de l'est avant la chute du mur !!! Un pseudo couple
d'intello n'arretaient pas de dire laissez nous partir ...un soir lors
d'une reception offcielle 3personnes arrivent et leurs tendent (
passeport - billet d'avion et mille dollars chacun ) là ahahah nous sommes
partis dans hilarité aggravé ..Ils ont dis :
Mais on va aller ou ? faire quoi ? et puis nous sommes pas pret et puis
...euhh ahahahahhaha
Beaucoups crie au vol ou la justice .... mais ce qu epeu ont compris
...c'est que pour avoir droit acela on se doit avant tout d'avoir et aussi
de remplir des devoirs !!

Alros .. no comment ... khalih yenbah !!!
2004-01-08 21:32:05 UTC
Post by Sam
tu sais je 'mamuse a voir les gens hurler au vol ....
je demande simplement qu'as tu donnés a ce pays pour oser te plaindre que
'lon t'ai volé ???
Ca demande des droits mais ca n'est meme pas citoyen !!
Ca me rappel une anecdote vecus .
Apres avoir lu ton insipide anecdote, tu ne me laisses d'autre choix que
de te demander : s'il te plait ,chatouille-moi la plante du pied pour rire -

Et comme je suis gentil, pour te faire plaisir ecoute mes eclats de rire
kha kha kha kekh,kekh,kekh ...goooouuuuaaa3-
Tu me donnes la nausee - tes anecdotes provoquent l'effet
inverse qu'on attend d'elles -Tu es encore vert pour pouvoir distraire
ou interesser le lecteur-
Seul un idiot diplome` genre st.bern peut apprecier ce que tu radotes-
Casse- toi et va continuer tes etudes avec B.R. pour grandir ensemble-.

Post by Sam
J'etais dans un pays de l'est avant la chute du mur !!! Un pseudo couple
d'intello n'arretaient pas de dire laissez nous partir ...un soir lors
d'une reception offcielle 3personnes arrivent et leurs tendent (
passeport - billet d'avion et mille dollars chacun ) là ahahah nous sommes
Mais on va aller ou ? faire quoi ? et puis nous sommes pas pret et puis
...euhh ahahahahhaha
Beaucoups crie au vol ou la justice .... mais ce qu epeu ont compris
...c'est que pour avoir droit acela on se doit avant tout d'avoir et aussi
de remplir des devoirs !!
Alros .. no comment ... khalih yenbah !!!
2004-01-08 22:01:25 UTC
t'es vraiment un petit...suisse ....aya rouh tmousse khirlak

Boris Ryser
2004-01-07 09:10:46 UTC
Post by eauclaire
M'mah, m'hla yadin al-malique. Nous sommes baiseurs des MAINS et apres?
Penadant que tu baises ( des mains )
ton cerveau et ton coeur ne pense plus à un peuple...

Quand tu baises, tu ne penses qu'à toi !

Même les rois savent dioviser pour régner.

Post by eauclaire
C'est GENETIQUE. Les algeriens sont arrieres parcequ'ils ne baisent pas les
mains de Boutef.
eau claire.
Post by eauclaire
You really need a poet to make your portrait , despicable character !
I am here to learn more about the Algerian man : the perpetual rebel
Post by eauclaire
I heard
someone says -My visit to this ng was not vain. Since the discovery of
mass grave where 7000 human beings related by blood to you and members
Post by eauclaire
your own families have been slaughtered and burried by the butchers of
The same butchers are also the torturers and the executioners of the
Moroccan hostages they've locked up in Tindouf in Southern Algeria for
Post by eauclaire
years now-
What I have found here are followers ,supporters,votarists,adherents
Post by eauclaire
leaders but docile lambs following unconscienscously their butchers to
their slaughterhouse -
Whay I see here are slaves handcuffing themselves and giving the key of
their chains to their masters-
What I have seen here during last 4 or five days only, were defeated ewes
"brebis" without will to survive , throwing themselves to the ground and
offering their throat to their butchers-
What I see here are submissive hostages and defeated men prostrated
,dropped down on their knees glorifiying and begging their gods for
mercy and benediction -
What I see here are not even ephemeral or fugitive rebels, but only
slavish janitors in charge of cleaning daily their slaughterhouse -
What I see here are the bodyguards of the injustice ,of the oppression
Post by eauclaire
of the repression of Algerian people who keep digging mass grave after
mass grave in prevision of future massacres of their own people and their
blood relations --
Quote me on every word of this satirical poem dedicated to cold blodded
like you -
Massafi -
Meme en ce debut d'nnée dkhaltouha comme l'an dernier et commesous
l'incquisition !!
Toi qui parle du charnier de relizane ? alros va prendre les armes et
Post by eauclaire
sur place et laisses nous en paix
En paix!!!dit-il -What a creep !!
Quote me on every word of this satirical poem dedicated to cold blodded
like you -
a cracher ton venin ... tu donne
'lapparence d'un frustré que certains on pas laissé les miettes du
Post by eauclaire
Comme dit l'adage le chien aboit et la caravane passe .... ca te
que des algeriens puissent essayer de discuter sans avoir a chaque fois
vomis qui vienne polluer l'echange ??? Tu dois rouler pour certains
Post by eauclaire
empeches meme le dialogue entre des personnes qui en ont rien a foutre
Post by eauclaire
tes ...
Rouh allah yahdik !!!
va te monter un TPI a toi tout seul ..