Peace & Love for humanity....Institution of Khilafat (Caliphate) .
(trop ancien pour répondre)
2007-11-06 10:16:05 UTC
=(1)= The people who accept the Promised Messiah in Islam also accept
conditions of Bai'at (allegiance). One among these requires a bond of
brotherhood and love and servitude to the Promised Messiah. This love
has no comparison anywhere else in the world. This condition cannot be
fulfilled without acquiring the blessings of Allah Almighty.... People
from all over the world who have accepted him express their firm
loyalty to the institution of his Caliphate (Khilafat), even if it
means abandoning their family ties.
=(2)= God Himself had informed the Promised Messiah repeatedly that
He would grant him a high status and will fill the hearts of many with
his love and will spread his community to all corners of the world...
When a person pledges to accept him (the Imam of the time), his/her
love for the Promised Messiah and his Khilafat increases due to the
blessings of Allah. This will be rewarded by promised blessings by
=(3)= Promised Messiah has done such an excellent moral-training
(tarbiyyat) through his teachings that this love is inculcated in the
hearts of generation after generation. When God informed the Promised
Messiah about his imminent demise, he wrote in his book The Will:
....God Almighty shows two Manifestations so that two false joys of the
opponents be put to an end, it is not possible now that God should
relinquish His old-established way. So do not be grieved on what I
have said to you; and nor your hearts should be distressed. For it is
essential for you to see the second Manifestation, too, and its coming
is better for you because it is everlasting the continuity of which
will not end till the Day of Judgement. And that second Manifestation
cannot come unless I depart. But when I depart, then God will send
this second Manifestation for you which shall always remain with you....
=(4)=When the Companions of the Promised Messiah, whose hearts were
inundated with love for him (for the sake of Allah) above all other
worldly ties, came to know of this, their concern must be immense, but
the Promised Messiah comforted them by reminding them that God will
not abandon them and they did not need to worry. These comforting
words formed the basis for these people to demonstrate and continue
this bond of love towards the second Manifestation that took place of
the mission started by the Promised Messiah because that was to be
eternal. This is how the Promised Messiah kindled this fire of love
for Khilafat among his companions by stating the importance and
significance of Khilafat, which is indeed a reward from Allah. The
companions of the Promised Messiah understood this advice and entered
into a bond of sincere obedience to the system of Khilafat, which is
the foundation of strength and unity and progress.
=(5)=The fulfillment of this covenant of God made with the Promised
Messiah is being witnessed... His jamaat/community was formed as a
result of the prophecy of the Holy Prophetsaw for the latter days and
is confirmation of the fact that indeed the Promised Messiah is the
Reformer of the latter days and Khilafat is indeed a truthful
institution. This Khilafat was established in order to bring every
person into the fold of Islam i.e. to establish Unity of God and to
inculcate the love for the Holy Prophetsaw and the Promised Messiah in
the hearts of the adherents. This love is being witnessed today world
wide as proves the divine promise.... Today, the message of the Promised
Messiah is being broadcasted to people of all races and all colors and
people are accepting his message and entering into this bond of love
with him.
=(6)= The holy Caliph of holy Promised Messiah also thanked and
prayed for all those who showed love and bond when they heard about
his recent surgery. He said: It is this two-way love that will be the
foundation of firm establishment of eternal Khilafat. May God keep
this tree evergreen. This bond can only form as a result of our own
prayers in the service of Allah. May Allah enable all of us to occupy
ourselves in such prayers. Ameen....
Promised divine peace of latter days : www.alislam.org :
www.alislam.org/library/khilafat.html =KHILAFAT .... www.mta.tv
Broc Alan
2007-11-06 11:15:50 UTC
Spreek vlaams !
Mikhaïl Gurevitch
2007-11-06 15:44:56 UTC
Post by Broc Alan
Spreek vlaams !
T�chtu, flamin !
2007-11-06 22:27:03 UTC
Vitae forma vocatur Mikhaïl Gurevitch <***@hotmail.fr>,
die Tue, 06 Nov 2007 07:44:56 -0800, in littera
Post by Broc Alan
Spreek vlaams !
Tèchtu, flamin !
On ne dit jamais "Flamin" mais toujours "sal'Flamin" :-))
Broc Alan
2007-11-08 20:21:57 UTC
Post by Mikhaïl Gurevitch
Post by Broc Alan
Spreek vlaams !
T�chtu, flamin !
C'mint va-t-i' l'houme ? Il est content des messages islamistes en
anglais ?
2007-11-16 10:47:47 UTC
Post by Broc Alan
Spreek vlaams !
of dans the flaminco... de vlaamse dans, bewared in het
LÁndaLucia(Land of Licht)

Het Caliphate zal herboren worden, met een staart ster die vershijnt
als een tweede Zon...

Lang LEVE het Herboren Caliphate... Het Moorish Civilizatie die weer
uit haar as zal Herrijzen...
