Turks Are the Great Scythian Horde!!
(trop ancien pour répondre)
Ali Mustafa Kamran
2004-07-14 18:16:16 UTC
The Greeks make us look like barbarians but we
predated them! The Hittites of Troy were Ural-Altaic
Scythians, so were the Huns, the Fennics who populated
Scandinavia before the Teutons, the Avars, the
the Tumerians, the Koreans, the Mongolians, the
Japanese, and the Uighurs. It is the Turks
who liberated Anatolia from all those millenia os
barbaric Greek rule! We are the Horde! We will
Steam bathers of the world unite!

Kemal was Yahudi Selanik Sefarad and all Turk generals today are
Yahudi. Iran Pahlevis were also Selanik Sefarad. Columbus (with Luis de Torres and Gabriel Sanches)
was also and take Yahudi from al-Andalus to Caribian then Jew York.
Sefarad double-cross Moor Muslumans but Spania catch them and
do Inquisitions. Else Moor Fasli be first in America,
not Yahudi. Free Turks from Kemal Selanik Sefarad Jewnerals!

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2004-07-14 23:01:32 UTC
Turks were mongoloid-asiatic nomads who roamed central Asia in the same time
Scythians roamed Asia Minor and Europe.
Haluk Skywalker
2004-07-22 20:02:04 UTC
Post by Ali Mustafa Kamran
The Greeks make us look like barbarians but we
predated them! The Hittites of Troy were Ural-Altaic
Scythians, so were the Huns, the Fennics who populated
Scandinavia before the Teutons, the Avars, the
the Tumerians, the Koreans, the Mongolians, the
Japanese, and the Uighurs. It is the Turks
who liberated Anatolia from all those millenia os
barbaric Greek rule! We are the Horde! We will
Steam bathers of the world unite!
Kemal was Yahudi Selanik Sefarad and all Turk generals today are
Yahudi. Iran Pahlevis were also Selanik Sefarad. Columbus (with Luis de
Torres and Gabriel Sanches)
Post by Ali Mustafa Kamran
was also and take Yahudi from al-Andalus to Caribian then Jew York.
Sefarad double-cross Moor Muslumans but Spania catch them and
do Inquisitions. Else Moor Fasli be first in America,
not Yahudi. Free Turks from Kemal Selanik Sefarad Jewnerals!
bi siktir git
2005-02-27 01:41:51 UTC
Today's greeks and turks seem to be quite the same "barbarians" compare with
the rest of the western civilization. Ironicaly, Greece was the birthplace
of the westwern civilization but now is so far behind this line, specially
with minority rights is almost as bad as Turkey is.

Turks and and Trojan people are as much related to each other as much as
Apache Indians of America are related to Windows operating system of
Microsoft. Turks are asian people and they pretty much in 12 century looked
like today's mongols. (Interested enough Turkey opened lately an exhebition
with ancient painting including their first kings/sulltans potraits.).

Not sure why turks are so eager to pretend of being "europeans" with the
wrong face and color. Over all I really can't understand why so forcely they
want to join EU. Neither I do understand why is to be proud of being Hun
descent, when all they brought in Europe was savagery. Let mention once
again that ancient greeks brought civilization everywhere they went to. I
believe that if turks continue the Huns attitude, they are in the wrong
direction of going in EU.

In the other sides greeks, once the beacon of the culture and civilization
of Western world, had their fire shut down since Huns and and later turks
showed up in their territories.

In the end, one more thing please, would you keep your greece-turky hatred
war way from Albanian newsgroup please.

Religion of Albanians is Albanism !!!!
Post by Ali Mustafa Kamran
The Greeks make us look like barbarians but we
predated them! The Hittites of Troy were Ural-Altaic
Scythians, so were the Huns, the Fennics who populated
Scandinavia before the Teutons, the Avars, the
the Tumerians, the Koreans, the Mongolians, the
Japanese, and the Uighurs. It is the Turks
who liberated Anatolia from all those millenia os
barbaric Greek rule! We are the Horde! We will
Steam bathers of the world unite!
Kemal was Yahudi Selanik Sefarad and all Turk generals today are
Yahudi. Iran Pahlevis were also Selanik Sefarad. Columbus (with Luis de
Torres and Gabriel Sanches)
was also and take Yahudi from al-Andalus to Caribian then Jew York.
Sefarad double-cross Moor Muslumans but Spania catch them and
do Inquisitions. Else Moor Fasli be first in America,
not Yahudi. Free Turks from Kemal Selanik Sefarad Jewnerals!
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2005-02-26 22:45:29 UTC
Turks are not Scythians. They are mongol like and from Central Asia.

Ethnic groups:
Definition Field Listing
Turkish 80%, Kurdish 20% (estimated)
Definition Field Listing
Muslim 99.8% (mostly Sunni), other 0.2% (mostly Christians and Jews)
Definition Field Listing
Turkish (official), Kurdish, Arabic, Armenian, Greek

Turkey wants the Kurds to become Turks as well, after some realised that
the "mountain turks" label would not wash with the world.

What happened to the other peoples of Turkey?

Murdered and kicked out by the TURKISH RACISM throughout centuries of
Ottoman Conquest and slavery

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